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  1. Good update. Your Son is Lucky. Am sure you guys will hear something soon.
  2. Do anyone have any type of update for people in South Australia? Haven't heard any movement there lately.
  3. At moment, I think is late Sept and early Oct. Also some previous months and a few Dec.
  4. I didn't talk to DIBP but constantly discussing with my MA. They are very good and always ready to hear any suggestion I got and acted on them. My MA called them after the nomination was approved and was told they will be looking at the file soon. After about two weeks without any update, call MA again and asked them to check again. At first they didn't want to but I pushed hard. MA was told the have assigned the case and we should hear something in about a week. Well, a week after the PR came. I hope that help.
  5. Processing Center: Perth WA Occupation: Oil & Gas, Petroleum Engineer 5 applicant
  6. Finally I got the approval today at 4:10pm ACST. I have to say this a very exceptional case and it isn't in any way a good estimate of time it should take for any other application.
  7. The long waiting time all started just before the application fee increase mid last year. Before then waiting time were around 2-3 months for both nomination and visa application. The surge in application filed before the increase came to effect took the wait time up. Now i believe the application surge has reduced and work load is gradually coming back to the norms. 2-3 months wait time. We can see that from application and Nomination submit late last year getting approved. So Fellas we will all get the grant sooner now that ever. Stay strong Stay Calm.
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