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  1. i have lurked on this post for quite a long time now, rarely posted but here is our timeline!! stream - TRT nomination lodged 12/08/2015 approved 14/04/2016!!!! visa lodged 25/01/2016 further info requested 21/04/2015 submitted 15/05/2016 approved 25/05/2016 finaly we have pr! good luck to al those still waiting and we are proof that nominations are taking a loooong time to be processed for some people!!
  2. Hi hoping someone can answer!! our nomination for ENS186 (TRT) has been lodged since August, we still havent heard whether it has been approved but we now have to lodge our visa application as our 457 ends in 7 days :wideeyed::wideeyed: So we have done the visa application on our immi account and used the TRN number for the nomination application is this correct? Will this then get matched with the nomination? Also we have all the details for the nomination (we have acknowledgement letter for application from my husbands employer)...... are we able to import this application to our immi account so we can monitor it ourselves???? If we are able to import the application are you able to see the details, or only the status of the application?? I know we cannot alter the application or speak with immigration about it, it feels like we are completely int he dark at times.... Many Thnaks please any answers wouldbe great i am havign minor panic attacks ........
  3. yes we have no choice to lodge unfortunately. My husbands employer have employed him on a 457 for three years so hoping there wont be any issues with the nomination unfortunately that is his employers department not ours
  4. no we are doing it ourselves, we already have the acknowledgement letter from the nomination (my husbands employer gave us a copy) the process itself for the visa applicaiton is really simple as we are temporary residence transition it is fairly straightforward. so we didnt see the point in a migration agent....we have just been screwed over by the ridicuously slow pace that immigration seem to be working at
  5. hi everyone those who have submitted their visa application, how long did it take for you to receive youR acknowledgement letter?? our 457 expires in two weeks, our nomination has been in since beginning of august. we didnt want to submit ourvisa applicaiton until nomination approved but we are now in the position where we must submit in orderto get the bridging visa. just wondering once you have submitted it how long it takes to get the letter as that has your bridging visa details on? or is a bridge visa automatically generated on submitting and finalising the application for a 186? im sorry for asking these questions but we are understandably quite stressed after having been told our nomination would have been approved by end of 2015. and now we are in this awful predicament whereby we have to submit at the risk of losing our hard earned money. it makes us really uneasy to lodge our applcation without nomination approval as if it gets declined we lose $6300. but we have no choice now we have waited as long as we possibly can we have done the application and it is all ready to go now
  6. hi everyone long time lurker here. we are currently on a 457 visa which expires 31/01/16. our nomination was submitted from my husbands employer at beginning of august, at this point we were not worried as nominations were taking 4-5 months to be approved so we would still have a couple of months to submit our visa application, alas immigration seem to be on a long term holiday at the moment we are obviously still waiting now and it is January so need to do something as we are literally running out of time on our 457. we were trying to wait until our nomination was approved to lodge our visa..... but its looking now like we will have to sumbit our visa without nomination been granted so we can obtain a bridging visa, something we didnt really want to do in case for some reason the nomination is declined and we lose all our money. We have paid for the visa process so have savedhard and really dont want to lose our money. our 457 was only granted for a three year period,( i have no idea why before i get questioned) as this has made things really really tight for us. just in case anyone wonders why we have left it so late. we had some personal circumstances that prevented us approaching my husbands employer about permanent residency earlier, until July we were uncertain whether we would need to be heading back to uk. anyway......... I will fill in the timeline spreadsheet thingy in due course. just a couple f questions re the TRT ens 186 application online.......almost done but a couple of things .... question 11 re skills assessment....asks if my husband has a skills assessment TRT dont need one do they?? so do we just click no on that one? those that are doing temp resident transition, is that what you did?? and do we have to fill in form 80, scan and attach as part of our application? regards qualifications, does my husband attach copies of these at end of application process? I have seen someone on here yesterday did a SEPTEMBER nomination and the nomination already been approved..... should my husbands employer be contacting immigration now, I was under the impression that they hadnt even looked at July yet. or is that for nominations and visa applictions submitted together?? argh sorry somany questions and feeling rather stressed out with it all. please if anyone can answer any of these questions i would be so grateful.
  7. hi there! i will be moving to Brisbane early 2013 on a 457 visa (i am second applicant). i am starting all the application for eligibility with aphra etc. do i HAVE to do the ielts if i can provide evidence i was educated in English? and is it compulsory for a medical?i am hoping just to do a few casual agency shifts. Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Thanks for your advice, I probably wasn't clear on my last post but my intention was to geteligibility sorted whilst still in UK anyway then register once in oz. So relieved I can get some of it done before the visa comes through as it is so tim consuming I dont want it to create hold ups in me and my little boy going over (if my husbands job does get confirmed he will be heading over before us.) xx
  9. thanks for ur reply- much appreciated. i don't plan to start work immediately on our arrival will be getting settled in and spending time with my little boy. so i assume that final part that you mention i can just do on my arrival? can i apply for work before i have done that, would i be offered work with eligibility only? i would like to at least know i am registered with an agency when i get there. sorry for asking more questions! Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Hi all, I am a newbie, my husband may be commencing employment in Brisbane 2013. I have a stupid quesiton Im hoping you can help with! Just wondering if my visa needs to already be granted before I can apply to APHRA? Or can I do the applicaiton whilst awaiting my visa? I am probably going to be the secondary applicant on a 457 visa. xx
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