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  1. Enda pama Settings then woenda pa Edit signature. Oops! Go on settings above>on your right look for 'edit signature!
  2. Its my turn today! PR granted. phew what a long wait. Hang in there everyone, your turn next! God bless and Australia here I Come, surprise surprise, its a sunny day in London today!
  3. Congrats to you, do you mind telling us what documents were requested and which Processing Centre. I was requested more information on 17 November too.. Thanks
  4. Congrats to you June12, so it looks like they wait for 28 days after document request...
  5. I wonder is there anyone who was requested further information, and visa was granted before the end of the 28 day rule, it seems quite strange this rule...
  6. Thanx for this number Chad, i have called Dibp to inquire about my status, unfortunately, been informed since they requested further information on 17Nov, my case will not be dealt with until after 28 normal days, GUTTED GUTTed, that means i have to wait till after 15 December...
  7. Congrats to all who got Pr. Does anyone know if the 28 days is normal days or Mon-Fri... if its Mon to Fri then my wait is until 24 Dec!!!
  8. Form 80. IS this form completed by everyone? im just worried i did not complete this form and yet i have included an adopted child of 17 years on my application.. An advice on this?
  9. Hi and welcome... This is a fee paid by any dependent above 18 on your application who does not have any English proficiency, (IELTS, BSc)... Would have thought your MA had mentioned this if needed in the future.. good luck
  10. Hi Chad714..Can you update that CO contacted me on 17/11/15.. requesting marriiage cert for visa (Team 4, Victoria) Regards
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