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  1. Hi Micky Mac, This restriction is only for your hand carry. You can't carry any liquid in your hand carry . But you can carry any liquid including perfumes in your luggage.
  2. Yesterday, I received my passport with VISA Stamp on it. Entry date should not be after Nov, 2013....so plenty of time for me... Interesting thing to note on the grant letter was that Visa Grant Date was just a day after my medical was done. So, it was fast. Thank You AHC for speedy processing... Five and a half months from start to end.... I am glad that I had a very smooth journey. Thanks everyone on this forum. :notworthy: I pray for early visa grants for all those who are in the waiting queue. Allah Hafiz
  3. I think it goes like this: AHC tries your cell number first, if it gets through, you will receive a call from them. If not, an email is sent. Also, it can also happen that different CO's use different methods of communication. It might be just a method of preference for them. Some CO's would like to track everything they do on a case so they would use Email. Others might prefer direct call to an applicant.
  4. That can happen, you must have submitted a PCC earlier to AHC? Didn't you? I was asked to send additional docs and PCC, I sent them an email that I have already sent you these docs.... also applied for a fresh PCC.... When I was about to send them new PCC.... I received a call from AHC that visa is granted....they must have checked my email and confirmed that PCC was submitted by me. Anyways, all is well that ends well.... .So, Congrats to you again...
  5. That's a great news, Heartily congrats to you Jazzi..... this week is turning out to be a great week for all of us. Best of Luck to new phase of life!!!
  6. Sorry, if I wasn't clear. I received two emails on the same day, in fact almost at the same time. One was for medicals and one for further docs.
  7. Good to know that. Is your husband in Australia? I am not aware of any US banks in Australia. When you would go to Aus, you would hear two names when you would use the term bank....1st is ANZ and second is Common Wealth Bank. I don't do anything specific. Completed my Masters degree few months back.
  8. He is a Software Engineer in a very highly reputed organization in Aus. So, he does pay a big amount in Tax. So, in those countries a tax payer is well respected and is honoured when it comes to things like sponsorship etc.
  9. Hi, External checks are outside the domain of AHC or Aus agencies. No one can give you a timeline for its completion. Hopefully, you will get it done soon.
  10. I don't have kids but I submitted my husband's AFP to AHC along with all my documents. My husband got his skilled immigration in 6 months time from Pakistan; the first email he received from Embassy was Grant of Immigration. My Visa is granted in 5 months time. The first call I received was of Visa Grant. There are couple of things that we did. Submit everything in the first place before Embassy asks you for it. Any document that can help your case was submitted from husband's bank statements to Payslips, Tax returns to employment letter, PCC to AFP, Urdu Nikkah nama to English Nikkah Nama, proof of relationship docs, pics, skype logs, viber call history, photos, my phone calls history, my husband's phone call logs, Form 80, form 888, Wedding movie etc etc etc.... The list goes on and on..... We knew that additional documents won't harm our cause. Secondly, we knew we need to be patient. I know AHC guys are not dumb. They have a system in place. So, if you have provided everything to them, just sit back and relax. .......And in the end, we got our Visa just as we expected. I already told everyone on this forum that my Visa journey would be very smooth. You may call it self-praising or even bragging but I won't worry about it. I pray for all of you who are in the waiting queue.....Allah kare aap ko bhi jald achi khabar mil jaye. Ameen... My philosophy of handling these things is: [h=1]"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe." — Abraham Lincoln[/h]
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