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Reccie for sponsorship????


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I know of several young couples who went over on the WHV ( are you in that age bracket?) they did their tavelling bit the first few months then as the year end was approaching they decided they'd like to stay- as long as you have got the skills a suitable employer needs (Maybe you're looking at the mines??) you should be able to approach related employers/agencies while you're there..... if you don't want the WHV route you can approach the same from here for 457 sponsorship- I don't have specifics for employers but if you use the Search button on here for mines lots of people have posted useful info-good luck!!!

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For operator jobs WHV is the best bet, you can't work on a tourist visa and most of these employers would rather you work six months trial before risking sponsoring someone. At the moment there are a hell of a lot of Irish excavator operators (and they are good) in Australia on WHV, they have up to 2 years to impress employers where on a tourist visa you would be lucky to have 1/2 hour of chat to try an convince an employer to sponsor.


Also looking for a job (Sponsorship) on a tourist visa is risky enough, if you knock on someone's door asking about a job and they did a VEVO check and found out you were on tourist visa and were awkward enough to phone the immigration hotline saying blah blah is here looking for work on a tourist visa..... well it wouldn't look good.

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