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Everything posted by Quoll

  1. However, Australian citizens lost their Aus citizenship prior to 2002 if they took out another citizenship - so if you took on U.K. citizenship and got a passport you may have been deemed to have lost your Aus citizenship. However, all is not lost if that happened, you can now apply to have it reinstated if it was lost. How did you get to visit Australia? Citizens can’t get visitor visas - or they shouldn’t be able to.
  2. Surely if you have siblings who aren’t in Australia then you’re not the last remaining relative? And does your OH not have any family not in Australia? At the current rate of visa grant you’ll probably be 95 before it’s granted.
  3. I think you’re too old. PR phases Out at 45 for skilled visas.
  4. Quoll

    Visa Option

    Your girlfriend can apply for an exemption to leave Australia to live “permanently” with you (assuming she can get visa or has U.K. passport) and that’s likely to be a whole lot quicker than you getting permission to travel. I don’t think QS are in such high demand that they would be granted an exemption to travel even if you could get a temp visa. It’s not like you would be in the front line for fighting C19 and it appears that most temp visa exemptions being granted are for medical personnel at the moment.
  5. You can try but highly unlikely - it's not really compassionate grounds and their chances of getting a flight in the next little while are rather slim. Might be something for the New Year if you are lucky but I doubt they would get anything before Christmas. Just one of those tyranny of distance things unfortunately.
  6. Golly, 5%?! Where on earth would you Be getting that sort of return? If you have no qualifications, what visa are you bridging to? All depending on what you’ve applied for, you could be on that visa for years and your chances of getting a job on a bridging visa are going to be slim too. I think maybe you will need to move back as you’ve obviously been successful to have amassed large savings. You might need to try and slot back in to what you were doing. Surely you know people in U.K. if you’ve grown up there, you might have to be around friends rather than family.
  7. You’d better tell @Aussiebird that then because she’s been struggling with the G2G and she’s a Perth girl. It’s not the general exemption to enter Australia for which, as you say a 309 is not required to get an exemption but it’s WA controlling their border.
  8. No, indeed. Being a carer is a thankless task I would have happily delegated to a sibling, no matter what the cost.
  9. Do you want to visit while your FiL is declining or emigrate?
  10. WA borders are closed. Anyone wanting to enter requires a pass. https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/g2g-pass-travel-exemptions-frequently-asked-questions
  11. Trying to remember, does it need a witness if the last passport has recently expired? I vaguely recall that it’s only necessary if it’s in excess of 2 years expiry. My son’s expired about 10 years ago and he’s had issues with getting a witness although he shouldn’t (he’s just being lazy and doesn’t want to spend the money LOL) and at the end of the month he will struggle to get to London for an interview- he’s not bothered this past couple of years when he was virtually next door!!
  12. Wouldnt that rather depend on whether he is currently entitled to Medicare?
  13. How rich are you? And even then, once you've done with your studies what next? Dont think you can stay just because you've studied in Australia, expect to be heading home. If you want to pursue a masters because it will lead to the career you want then do it, but do it at home where you are likely to be supported, get scholarships etc. If your career is still on the list at the end of that then you might be able to apply then.
  14. Yup, it was a highly bureaucratic process from beginning to end. Might be to ensure that everyone has photos of the right dimensions though, they'd be spending hours sending stuff back if what I saw was anything to go by.
  15. Renewed mine in London in 2018. Yes, it is a long drawn out process - the interview is very straightforward, they basically just eyeball you, check you've filled out the forms correctly, ensured you have photos of the right dimensions (from my observation of people being interviewed while I was waiting, around 70% of them did not! Get your pics done professionally from somewhere that knows what the Aussie dimensions are) and then sent you on your way. Entering the Aus HC is an experience in itself with guards behind bullet proof screens, standing on the x and getting all your belongings scanned. It is more expensive, not only because you have to factor in your trip to London (all of you!) and the levy for having your passport renewed overseas. And all that is assuming you can get your computer to talk to the application form (my son had trouble with that). When we did ours there was about a 3-4 week wait for an appointment time but that may have been increased now as they were closed to applications during covid, so there will be a catch up. It wasnt difficult, just time consuming and expensive. My friends were whinging about the cost of renewing their GB passports which had recently increased, until I told them that my Aussie passport was well over twice as expensive. Edited to say, as yours have only just expired, you have less to do in providing information so that is a bonus
  16. You may have decided you want to live in Australia but from what you have written it is highly unlikely that Australia would be in the least bit interested in you - at least for the time being. Maybe when you have some skills which are on the visa list and some experience under your belt then perhaps you might get lucky but, unfortunately, it's not about what you want but about what Australia needs and for lots of folk there is just not a way in. At least you are young, you can check your career options and skill sets and work on them to find a career that you love that might be on the list one day - it's all about qualifications and experience in Australia, just having been a "mate" isnt good enough in a trade which values apprenticeships. In the meantime you can come on a WHV but understand that you will be going home at the end of it (and that would be the end of your £30k savings!)
  17. Not sure about that - we have some folk on here who are returning to Perth people who cant get a G2G permit to fly into Perth at the moment. I'd say Perth is tighter than a duck's proverbial.
  18. I always took my knitting with me - I’ve made many a shawl or pair of socks while waiting in A&E! Never took a clean t shirt I must admit. But, then, we were only minutes from the hospital!
  19. There are several agents on here who are good and reliable. Teaching is tricky because there are national requirements for registration - you can see them on the Vic site here https://www.vit.vic.edu.au/registering-as-a-teacher/how-do-i-register-as-a-teacher/qualifications/qualifications-policy and the 45 days supervised practice is universal for that fourth year - no matter how long you have been teaching as a Teacher Direct trained teacher. There isnt much way round it unfortunately - they ask for transcripts of every little thing you do in your course.
  20. Trying to open account with you and am stuck on the “verifying identity” page. The number you gave me on your email telling me I need to finish up registering with you is no longer connected and when I found another “contact us” number on your website, I called it, only to be told at 9:15am that I had called out of business hours which started at 7:30 am. Not a very impressive start I am sad to say
  21. I live in Australia. Is your Masters not full time? because that is also a factor in the fourth year requirement. Also, any experience before the qualification wont be counted. You wont be being supervised when you do your regular job either so it would be hard for them to issue a transcript that that was supervised practice.
  22. The requirement is 45 days of supervised teaching practice under the auspices of a University - so 45x5 (assuming a 5 hour day) is going to be around 225 hours so you are probably going to be short there. They will require a transcript which details the number of days in the classroom.
  23. Will your fourth year have a decent amount of supervised teaching practice?
  24. The other thing to bear in mind too - as evidenced by not infrequent sob stories in the papers - what will happen if, come the time, you are rejected on medical grounds. Far easier to go home and apply then arrive with a no worries visa.
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