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Everything posted by Quoll

  1. All schools will let you go into the correct year group which is the one where your age peers are. It is highly unlikely that with an August birthday you will be allowed to be in a year above your age peers. Its not a great idea socially and emotionally either. Dont sweat it. You wont be repeating it because you havent done the Australian year before. Edited to say, if you've been in Australia before you will remember that they dont like tall poppies much so grouping on ability is not a general feature of Australian education. Dont worry about it
  2. The “correct” year group is the one where your age peers are. You’ve done schooling in a foreign country so you won’t be “repeating” anything, it’ll be a whole new experience so just enrol with your age peers and forget any year level names that you might have encountered on your educational journey thus far. Australia is a foreign country with its own education systems - we aren’t consistent across the country but an August birthday is beyond any state’s cut off. So what if you’re ahead of your peers - you’ll find it hard enough in many regards as it is very different so if you’ve already covered some parts of the curriculum that’ll give you time not to stress over other bits that you’ll be paddling very hard through to try and catch up. Many schools prefer to offer extension programs for kids who are streets ahead whilst keeping them with their age peers and that social/physical/emotional development is just as important as any skill level. Bottom line, don’t worry about what the year level you are going into is called.
  3. So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Your question is unclear - if you have already done the medical you are obliged to let Immigration know that your condition has changed If you haven’t done the medical yet you will have to declare the cancer diagnosis. Either way, you need to be discussing this with your agent or, if you aren’t dealing with an agent, find one who specialises in medical conditions because cancer is often a big barrier until you’ve been clear for 5 years.
  4. Definitely got the look of one of the widow spiders. Could be a male redback if you've found them in the house already, they're not so vividly marked and they are quite a bit smaller
  5. https://www.det.wa.edu.au/schoolsonline/local_intake_school.do All government schools have a local intake area and as a temporary visa holder you’re going to have to pay fees in WA even for government schools.
  6. Be careful with sending food - that’ll make quarantine prick up their ears and the less that rings their alarm bells the better. Also, bedding in Australia is different sizes from U.K. so if you’re planning on using an Aussie bed then your U.K. bedding may not fit. We were very careful with weight in our cube but even though there were a lot of books and DH’s tools we came in quite comfortably under the weight limit. We weighed and displayed weight on every item.
  7. Quite probably much more anxiety inducing for you than them! You probably won’t have too much choice of school unless you plan on private schooling - and if you do that for one you’ll probably want to do it for all. In the gov system, schools are zoned so every child in the priority enrolment area gets a place but whilst out of area enrolments may be negotiated, schools are under no obligation to take an out of area child.
  8. Primary teachers are ten a penny in Australia so I wouldn’t be banking on it being a skill that will get you a visa. The thing about recessions (or depressions) too is that people who are qualified but who may have left teaching for greener pastures now find themselves wanting to return to a recession proof career and they’re back in what is already an oversaturated market. Enjoy being a teacher because it’s your passion but if you plan on emigrating think of a different career.
  9. The risk with rocking up as a tourist, lying to Immigration about your intentions could land you in hot water and see you turned around at the border because they think you might be an overstayer - and banned for 3 years. Far more sensible to get it in now and hope for the best
  10. Whichever state you go to will have a homeschooling section which will require you to be registered as a home schooler and (in some states at least) be vetted and have your curriculum assessed. Most areas have a home schooling network which facilitates social interactions with other kids who are also being home schooled. My granddaughters were home schooled and it was an unmitigated disaster, due, mainly to their mother's total lack of direction and structure and the local network's push for "unschooling". My eldest granddaughter was a good 3 years behind when she finally had to go to school because her parents' relationship broke down and they both needed to go to work! She's caught up now though thank Goodness but there was a lot of anxiety and lack of confidence involved. My younger granddaughter wasnt that far into education when she started real school but she's doing ok - still lacking confidence though and she's inherited her elder sister's anxiety about learning, is not prepared to take risks with learning at all and her mother in particular is useless at supporting her through the learning experience. However, that is just one example and I know of others who seem to be quite successful - it was rather more the parental input that was deficient even though they produced all the curriculum materials etc nobody actually assessed the kids' progress in their state - that will probably be different from state to state. Other cons - restricts the family to being single income, stress of being at home with child 24/7 and little adult time outside the home, no local friendships and added pressure of needing to facilitate friendships with other kids who may live miles away.
  11. You're not a physiotherapist though are you? You wouldnt come under the AHPRA conditions for registration so you cant call yourself one. When you say travelling - do you mean to Australia or around the world? If around the world then put your spouse visa in asap and it may be ready before you are proposing to move to Australia. If to Australia straight away you've left it rather late - they're taking 12-18 months to be granted. You probably should talk to an agent to see what your best options are
  12. I didn’t do the lists For the shippers inventory but IIRC DH listed pretty much as we listed on the boxes - but he listed several distinct categories on the boxes - like there was a fur coat in one and he listed that separately Because it could have been an issue for customs. We did try and Keep things in roughly the same categories. When packing, he was a bit ocd and put labels on front and back of boxes and stuck coloured squares with numbers on front and back too - that’s been a boon to us finding the right boxes as we unload gradually this end. Also we put things that might have been of most interest to customs at the opening end, so more accessible. Don’t know what he put for values - I know the things we had to declare specifically For customs it was current value. But we took a risk and didn’t insure.
  13. Only permanent residents getting in at the moment and no idea when that will change. If you are eligible for a skilled visa put it in offshore now and be done with it. Otherwise, are you proposing to lie to Immigration about your intentions and say you are going to be a tourist when you have no intention of leaving? That can be a bit risky (think turned around at the airport and banned from reentry for 3 years). You may want to get to Australia quickly but sometimes you just have to be pragmatic and Australia's not going anywhere.
  14. Student visas are short term only - you’re meant to go home when you finish. If you’re going to study it’s cheaper to do it in UK, get your quals and experience then move over permanently.
  15. You’d be better getting the skills to allow you to get a permanent visa in your own right. I can’t think that living on a bridging visa until you retire is going to offer you a good basis for trying to work in Australia, especially if you are restricted by the WHV conditions. Check your skills, get your experience then apply for PR. It’ll take you longer, for sure, but short term pain, long term gain.
  16. You’re really not going to know unless you talk to an agent or wait for the decision. But, bottom line, having a baby with an Australian is not a “gotcha” entry and if Immigration don’t think you’re genuine (and having a child call you dad doesn’t necessarily confer that) then you’re gone. But perhaps if that happens you and your partner can return to U.K. together and work on demonstrating the longevity of your relationship and reapply.
  17. Just as an aside. My son was walking in the bush in Gippsland yesterday and spotted this. One old timer reported that the big cat of the Bowens was legend so he will leave his camera out for a while and see if it returns. Must say I’m not happy that he’s there with the 2 granddaughters
  18. Usual way is to think about where you (your mum/sister) will be working and go from there. Some of the smaller regional towns can be hard to get work but it rather depends on what skill set is up for offer. "Nice" is a fairly subjective term and what might be nice for a family whose kids are into bush activities, hunting and fishing might be anathema to a family whose kids are into gigs, the ballet or top level sports. You will need to be more specific - start with work, what work, what skills, how much disposable income, what interests, etc etc. I could tell you that Bendigo is the best place in the world (according to the chap who runs the local bookshop who is heavily into cricket - because of its central location) but personally I think my boys as teens would have found it beyond dull. Similarly any rural Victorian town would fit the bill for some but not for others. My niece likes the Launceston area in Tas - not because she had any burning desire to go there but because it was where she got offered a good job. No point being happy as Larry in a place where you cant get work.
  19. Apply for your child's visa now offshore. All sorts of issues with a child on a visitor visa with respect to education and health. Do it properly then you wont have any problems. Speed is not always the best way forward.
  20. Yes, looks like you will be 16:7 at the start of the new school year so you should be fine for year 11.
  21. I'd agree with the others, apply for your offshore visa now in UK and sit back and wait for it to be issued. You're not likely going to get in on a visitor visa. It'd be a little silly to rock up in these turbulent times, high unemployment, businesses going under - nah, stay where you are with jobs if you have them and wait for the visa to be approved by which time Australia might have settled down a bit, you're not going to be here in July/August this year.
  22. You can do years 11 &12 in TAFE if you are well over 16 at the time you want to start year 11 but you may find the cohort isnt as stimulating or motivated as it would be doing the final two years in HS (or College if you are in ACT). You cant really just do year 12 - that's like doing A levels without having done half the course and though they may offer "conversions" there are questions about how much you would be disadvantaged with your final score if you did that. Ah, edited - you say you will probably return to Tasmania. Looks like the cut off there is 1 January so if you have turned 16 before 1 Jan then you would be in yr 11 - so technically that year level will have kids who are anything from 16 years exactly through to 16 years and 11 months just to give you a clue about ages. Could you possibly stay behind and board with friends or family to finish your A levels? I think that might be your best bet actually then you keep all your options open for whether you fancy Uni in UK or Australia - that would depend on your scores, what course you want and where would give you the best outcome to achieve it. Dont get hooked up on what the ages/year level names are in each country - Australia is a foreign country with its own education systems (even the states cant agree with each other!) so just focus on what your age cohort will be doing in Australia - you wont be repeating anything because you havent done the Australian curriculum before, just going with your age peers. Remember, too, that the school year in Australia runs from January to December, not September to July!!!
  23. When my kids were younger and into sports we did a lot of travelling, mainly around NSW with swimming and rowing but occasionally national meets which were a bit more of a challenge although when they got older they tended to go with the club. Many weekends were at swimming carnivals and it was nothing to leave home after school on a Friday and drive 4-6 hours to somewhere or even leave around 4am on the Saturday morning to get to a 9am start. It was a bugger to be honest. It was mainly me that did the away meets because my DH was a bit of a workaholic and usually spent at least one day in at the office. We organized our family holidays around swim meets - that's when you get State and Country meets. It doesnt do much for your family life if one kid is into one sport and another kid into a different sport as ours tended to be. My granddaughter is into dance - but she is only at 3 classes a week and the odd performance but it all takes time, fortunately her parents have that flexibility and she isnt top level so classes are very local - one of the ladies at my knitting group has her daughter into 6 classes a week and regularly goes interstate for week long workshops and then they have loads of performances on top of that - costs them a fortune.
  24. Don’t you have the tree police down there? They’re rampant around here and you’re not allowed to chop down big trees even if they do pose a risk to homes. We got a door knock one time accusing us of chopping down a particular tree on our block - we’d applied, been rejected but did get permission for a couple of others (badly planted by enthusiastic previous Greenie owner on suburban block) so we felled them. They were mollified when we produced the tree they were referring to. We applied twice more because it really was a risk, denied both times. Then it just died - we did nothing! They came and examined it to make sure we hadn’t poisoned it and we were allowed to chop it thank goodness. There’s a house across the road that has a couple of risky trees in the garden - one is going to fall across the road one day but he can’t be bothered to do anything about them, even if the tree police said he could!
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