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Everything posted by Quoll

  1. Quoll

    Nasty rumour

    Nope, once you have the passport in your hot clammy little hand you can do as you like. It used to be the case that if you took out another citizenship that you lost your Australian citizenship but that was rescinded about 20 years ago now. I agree that there is probably confusion with PR and citizenship here and, yes, PRs can lose their ability to live in Australia if they are away for years.
  2. Thats not a temporary visa, it's a provisional visa, different thing altogether.
  3. This is so right. I'm an essential pragmatist but had no clue about the impact of situational (exogenous) depression until it hit me. I agree, if he is deeply unhappy at only 5 months, it's not likely to get much better unfortunately
  4. Aha, not necessarily. Rules change all the time and it is quite possible that it would never be more than temporary. A lot of people have been caught out by that.
  5. As your visa is only temporary its going to come to an end anyway. Covid certainly isn't making things easier for you but I guess it comes down to his much of your life could you reclaim if you went back now vs the end of your visa - and that's a rather large unknown given the virus. The other thing would be your eldest child's education - hopping on and off the GSCE merry go round isn't always easy and maybe your eldest could go back first, if and when school actually starts again. Under normal circumstances I'd say cut your losses and reclaim your lives, one first world country is much like any other but today's circumstances are far from normal and what is apparently a situational depression for your DH is being exacerbated by an abnormal life event. Good luck with your decision - there isn't a right /wrong answer here.
  6. You may not be able to if you lack the skills that Australia requires. Sadly, not everyone who wants to come is able to come.
  7. I think the message was that you are expected to leave ASAP. If you haven't entered then I guess you would reapply when things become more stable
  8. Our move cube arrived today and I have to say it was an absolutely excellent service from Seven Seas. The whole process was well managed from pre-pick up pack and site check, through collection (on time, friendly and helpful driver) to tracking (picture of the ship and its journey) via several calls to a 24/7 on the ball customer service then delivery with customs and quarantine, site check and an on time (to the minute) friendly and helpful driver. All this through the C19 restrictions which have added protocols left, right and centre. Sure it cost money but we figure we got excellent value for it! Our large cube was plenty big enough for our needs and we could have put in a couple of things we had considered but in the end didn't take (slight regret!). Thanks too to some members on here who gave immensely valuable tips. My DH did pretty much all of it especially labelling each box with contents and weight and keeping a spread sheet with basic contents and weight of each numbered box. The DH did all the work with Seven Seas and he's a hard man to impress but he's impressed!
  9. He just has to take a flight over and can come straight back - I doubt you're going to get an extension on activation date. Then he's got 5 years to make the move. Planes should be flying well before that.
  10. Honestly? Move heaven and earth to get them on a plane back home.
  11. Good to hear you had a great time and hopefully negotiations are going well for your whole family to move back next year. I guess it was a gamble that your DH took - in his mind, no doubt he was hoping you would fail but your experiences were much like mine! Hang in there, the time will come (and good to hear that your son had a great time in school there too!)
  12. IIRC you have to have been resident in Australia for 2 years before the child is born in order to pass down citizenship if you are a CBD. He can become a citizen when his daddy does or after 10 years residence whichever is sooner. Is there a rush to get into Australia for you?
  13. Yup I'd say that's not looking good, especially that last sentence which seems to be quite explicit
  14. Generally not, no, unless it is a highly sought after school. It's more that making the trip to a more distant school has the potential to be more disruptive to your general family life and maintaining the friendships made in school can be a bit tricker if there is no easy reciprocity to go on play dates for example. You may also find that if you are in a very short term rental - and you will need to produce your rental agreements to demonstrate your abode - that the school will tell you to wait until you have something more permanent. A lot of people turn up thinking they know exactly where they want to be but then for a whole host of reasons find that they arent able to get into the market in the area they want so they end up somewhere quite different
  15. Dont put him into school until you have got something permanent. Nobody will get their knickers in a knot if he doesnt attend for a few months. That way it will only be the one move. You could get lucky and find a long term rental in the same place or you could find that you find work further away and your initial short term rental isnt good for that. Get yourself settled first then worry about the school. All schools have a priority enrolment area and if you are within a school's boundaries they are obliged to accept you.
  16. No, but it's a nice enough little place, fun to watch the seals at the opening. Small NSW country town with all that implies, lots of tourists and I should imagine a fairly cliquey local mob. Lots of retirement places down that part of the coast.
  17. Thanks, good to know! Did you have to wait until you'd been in branch in order for anything to be put in the account?
  18. That's interesting - did you have to have an Australian address in order to open one? My son needs an Aussie bank account but he lives in London.
  19. I think it is going to be high on impossible. Qantas are cutting 90% of their international capacity. Mind you, QF2 this morning was very well patronised.
  20. I believe Queensland has a penalty of $13k for anyone found violating the self quarantine rules. We will wear masks at the airport and until we get home. No idea if other states will begin to impose penalties.
  21. Absolutely! I wouldn't be moving if that were the case. Fortunately for us we have a home there and my son, who lives in our block, is a Prepper of the first order - so much so that I laugh at him and my DH because they've been doing it for years but I've never been more grateful to them both than I am now. Even so, there are some things I won't be able to sort out - like changing my phone plan but I may be able to do that on line. I'd say that a 2 week isolation for a total new arrival with zero infrastructure for them would be impossible.
  22. Quite possibly. That's why on Thursday we decided to fly out tomorrow. We have find before completion on my dad's house.
  23. IIRC the top up has to be full time under the aegis of a University
  24. Wouldnt bother, just give those you have away. There's no telling but they might think you have marijuana in your herb bottles. Dont put anything foodlike in your container, that's just asking for extra scrutiny.
  25. Phew, that's a better looking profile! Good that you've spoken with an agent about the possible ramifications though!
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