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Everything posted by Quoll

  1. Quite possibly - it was $35k a couple of years ago which is why we keep saying -talk to one of the agents who knows!
  2. $35k over 5 years is the latest I can find - which is why kids with additional needs at school often fail at this point - put in an STA for a year and you are looking at $20kpa
  3. Usual advice is to talk to either George Lombard or Peter Bollard who are both agents who have good knowledge and understanding of the implications of medical conditions. They will give you good advice.
  4. No, not new, but most families moving to the other side of the world think it will never impact them! Sadly, as too many have found the hard way, it is pretty draconian legislation especially how it is interpreted in some countries, Australia being particularly tough to leave should one parent say no. On balance though it is a safeguard but unfortunately many of the countries to which kids might be moved are not signatories so there is no getting them back.
  5. On balance probably Norfolk /Suffolk only because it's more accessible to other good places - Norwich, Cambridge, London, all within cooee. Beverley is lovely but Hull, not so much. York is gorgeous though. Either would be fine!
  6. And even the weather thing is subjective - I walk all the time in UK whereas I wouldn't even walk to the local shops in Aus. I just find walking in UK to be so much more pleasurable! But each o their own!
  7. Well done! I lost 80kg moving from Aus to UK! Maybe it's the change that does it for us! It's a hard journey though so keep on. I'd like to see another 20kg go but think it might be beyond me!
  8. I was half expecting the rape to be an issue around here too but not a thing! Now wattle on the other hand sets me right off!!!! Same colour LOL
  9. My activity levels decreased and weight piled on - most likely associated with depression, The weather, distances between things and air conditioned coffee shops with lots of goodies. I was more intolerant of mozzie bites which itched and inflamed much more (and I got bitten a lot more). Colds and "flu" about the same. Food about the same good meat and veg in both places. The "outdoor lifestyle" was a huge non event for me what with the heat, mozzies, flies etc I was inside with curtains closed most of the time - SAD in reverse if you will!
  10. Dunno, write and ask. Be aware that police checks can take months if they are international so that could be an issue. My son needed one in the opposite direction which, you would have thought would have been easier, and it took 4 months!
  11. He might try and get an Ochre Card sorted too otherwise he won't get a foot in the door with his preferred occupation for as long as it takes to do the security checks. http://www.workingwithchildren.nt.gov.au/about_working_with_children.html
  12. Nothing beats the eyeball test - check out real estate.com for rental costs, seek for jobs and cut your coat to suit your cloth basically. The S Highlands are quite expensive, Queanbeyan is cheaper than Canberra but it's right up there too. If you want cheap, try Delegate. No jobs probably but they have a Friday night meat raffle at the pub which would be handy. Bombala might have the edge on jobs but I can't vouch for the meat raffle! Honestly - there is no real answer to your question, it's as long as a piece of string!
  13. Excellent little video - should be compulsory viewing for any family planning to relocate!
  14. Ah, didn't know that! I just like crispy short back!
  15. Funny about the bacon - my DH much prefers Aus bacon - we've even done a comparison and Aus bacon is all smoked, much UK bacon is unsmoked. I prefer unsmoked and he doesn't! Aus bacon doesn't crisp enough for me!
  16. Quoll


    Blimey, that is absolutely NOT Lifeline protocol and you could most certainly have complained about it but, hey, I'm glad it got you back on an even keel even if it was totally against the rules. Whatever gets you through the black times I guess!
  17. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Having a date is kinda liberating isn't it?! That won't be long in coming and we will be waving you off!
  18. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Sounds like it's all systems go in your neck of the woods! Good luck!
  19. Quoll

    Counting down!

    That time will positively zoom by!!! Under 20 and you're pretty much home I reckon!
  20. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Bon Voyage! There's quite a few of you in the next few days!
  21. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Yup you're at the "this time next week" stage! Exciting times!
  22. Absolutely you have o be selfish to move. And self sufficient and quite hard hearted into the bargain. If you aren't then you will suffer - if you're going to be wracked with guilt at every little thing then it won't be easy. I don't mean these terms in a pejorative way, more like a survival strategy.
  23. oh dear, (((hugs))). Perhaps your OH will give permission! You never know your luck!
  24. Temporary residents are also covered if that's where you are resident for the time being eg on a 457.
  25. Quoll

    Counting down!

    You booked!!!!! Way to go girl!
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