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Everything posted by Quoll

  1. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Two days! OMG! Have a fabulous time!
  2. Quoll

    Counting down!

    You'll be under the 50 days now then?
  3. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Wow, it's come at last! Under the 50 day mark is always good!
  4. Oh dear Tilly! Not the only one to have a kid emigrate back! One of mine did too and has absolutely no intention of returning to Aus!
  5. Quoll

    Counting down!

    This really is the final stretch! You'll be in double digits before you know it!
  6. Quoll

    Counting down!

    The birds will be singing soon when spring begins, then you'll want to be shooting the darned pigeons!
  7. Excellent post Incata! It's a very fine line between showing your feelings (the odd tear when you say goodbye is perfectly normal IMHO) and playing the guilt card "I'll never see you again", "I'll never be able to take MY grandkids for a walk", "this is the last time we will ever XXX". But, yes, basically you do have to suck it up in private and if it gets too overwhelming may I suggest counselling? There are ways of managing the intrusive thinking so that you move through your grief - it is like a bereavement really but you always have the hope of a reconnection at some stage.
  8. (((Hugs))) you just have to let them go I'm afraid and be proud that you've done a great job as a mum to raise an independent young man! With technology the way it is now, there is no reason why keeping in touch should be difficult. Sure it will be hard when you see him have his own life and his family but hopefully he will come back for visits! I've had one on the other side of the world for over a decade now and you do get used to it. I haven't seen the grand kids for over 2 yrs except on Skype which I don't much like. I may get to visit them but with elderly parents to care for it's not looking likely and DH gets first dibs on trips back to Aus. I'd say fill your life with things you want to do for you! Write yourself a little bucket list of experiences you want to achieve, maybe get a job so you can save up for a trip, volunteer for something so you can make new connections and get a new sense of self worth that isn't wrapped up in your role as mum. The next years are all about you! Whatever you do NEVER play the guilt card, that will just drive him further faster! Easy to say but harder to do.
  9. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Sorry to hear that Paul - ah well only just over 200 days then. Yup got to love that outdoor lifestyle (not!)
  10. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Hmm - travelling while heavily pregnant or travelling with a new baby? Good luck whichever way it turns out!
  11. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Well done! Yup once you have a date the numbers just keep flying down! One of my sons used to live by the mantra "If it weren't for the last moment, nothing would ever get done" so I am sure that everything you need to do will fit neatly into the time - somehow!
  12. Quoll

    Counting down!

    That's going to come around very quickly! If the countdown to Christmas days are anything to go by, you must be under the 50 now! Woo hoo!
  13. Quoll

    Counting down!

    LOL, not down to counting minutes just yet then?
  14. Quoll

    Counting down!

    You never know your luck, sometimes the bureaucrats work speedily but it might be prudent to give yourself a bit more time! Christmas is definitely coming!
  15. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Ain't it great when you can count the days! When they get down to double digits you'll nearly be on the plane!
  16. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Yup, no time at all!
  17. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Under the 100 weeks, Rose! Looking good!
  18. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Hey, that's only 52 weeks! You're nearly there!
  19. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Wow! Arriving Sunday? Or stopping over? Have a great flight!!!
  20. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Oh Loja Chica - I missed you on the count down! So sorry! Have a great flight!!
  21. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Bon Voyage Lady R! Welcome home MrsLZB! You really couldn't have picked a better time to arrive! Good to hear about the stepdad too - good old NHS huh!
  22. A tad Pollyannaish there I fear. It would be fabulous if every kid had two happy parents but life ain't like that and for one parent to trap an unhappy partner and kids in a place that isn't meeting their needs in any way, shape or form just because they might want to see the kids on the occasional weekend is not fair to the kids or anyone else. Equally you could say that if one partner doesn't like Australia then it behoves the other partner to move back to UK (or wherever) with them for the kids. I suppose you would say with your argument that the UK courts need to be tougher and not give permission for a parent to take a child away from the other parent and extended family to trip down the yellow brick road to Oz? That'd go down like a lead balloon! Unfortunately when relationships break up the kids are often used as pawns in the power play (no, i am not saying thats right btw) and what would be fairer would be to have more flexibility to take each case on its merit rather than a blanket "no you can't go!" Which is what happens at the moment even if the one doing the restricting is the most useless dead beat drop kick mother or father in the universe.
  23. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Mrs LZB - how about you? Down to the last sleep yet?
  24. Quoll

    Counting down!

    Just one more sleep Lady R - I suspect my maths is wonky and you are probably part way through! Sleep tight!!!
  25. Quoll

    Counting down!

    We need a sticky with returning details so we can count down and welcome returnees home! lets get started Lady R - I think you are down to just 4 more sleeps! Mrs LZB - how many for you? It must be single digits! sorry if my Maths is up the creek, I'm having enough difficulty with BST let alone 3 or 4 Aussie zones!!!!
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