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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. Think of it as two streams, independent (189 visa) or state sponsored (190 and 491 visas). Independent is a competition based on points. State sponsored isn't. But, not every state sponsors every occupation and the state's can also put conditions on getting their sponsorship, for example, some may demand you have an existing tie to state. Two important things to note. First, check the skills assessment. This is something that everyone has to pass and involves looking at your experience and qualifications. Second, if you have included English language in your points, you need to prove that ability by taking an English test such as ILETS.
  2. A tax number do you mean a national insurance number? If so, then if you lived in the UK when you were 16 or older you already have one. It doesn't change. With housing, if you have a job lined up, then that will be sufficient as long as you can show enough funds for the first months rent an bond. How much money you need will vary a lot by individual. We did it on a shoestring. For example, are you shipping furnishings? If not, then you will need to budget to buy these. Though that can be done cheaply if necessary. As a guide, I would say, enough to buy a second hand car (£3k), enough for a months rent and bond (£1400) enough for living costs for a month or two (£2k) incidentals (£2k) then it will depend on if you are shipping furnishings.
  3. The agents above are excellent.location is irrelevant where they are based as all agents do things by email.
  4. That would be fine. The hard part will be to persuade a state to sponsor you if you are living in a different state.
  5. Wait until she has it. But, be aware, at the moment, 80 points may not be enough to get an invite.
  6. Before you do them, I would get some advice about where you are. The time frames are blowing out and there is little point doing them if you are more than a year from grant. Also, I "believe" if you if you have applied offshore you must be offshore at time of grant.
  7. Yes. Just go for independent PR. This is how we would have recommended you move to Oz in the first place. I will just say that visas choices are more subtle and it is money well spent to use a good registered migration agent as there are also a lot of changes just beginning and knowing the best strategy isn't always easy for us mere mortals.
  8. You would be better advised to run your case past a good registered migration agent.
  9. This isn't a quick, cheap or easy process. For licensed trades, more so. My advice would be to speak to a good registered migration agent. But start with lots of reading at Homeaffairs.gov.au and look at the 189, 190 and 491 visas. This will start to give you some idea. In essence, first, you need an occupation on one of the skilled occupation lists, which I believe your is. Second, you need a skills assessment. This will be a assessment of your qualifications, experience and potentially a practical and theory exam. Third, you need sufficient points. This can be a funny area as it can be a competition for the highest points and so most people find they need to take English exams such as ILETS to claim points for English. Once you have all these, you can lodge an expression of interest (eoi). This is where the competition can start. You then wait to be invited. Then medical and police checks will be requested. Then visa. Staet to finish, allow about a year. But. On arrival, you will not have a license to be a plumber. To obtain this will vary on state. But, may include some college courses and working for a while as a trade assistant - a bit like an apprentice
  10. After being on the forum for many many years both as a member and as a moderator. The best advice I would give is to appoint a registered migration agent to deal with the application. Yes, you will pay for this. But, it is sooooo easy now to make a very costly mistake and in the grand scheme of the costs involved in migration, even a couple of grand in agents fees is a drop in the ocean.
  11. We tried all sorts of different things, but the best response we had was an old fashioned flyer put up on the notice board of a local IGA.
  12. The ancestry visa is far simpler. A spouse visa would require you to meet one of the financial assessments of either having £64k in savings or you having a job offer paying at least £18600. He may have to pay the NHS surcharge, but may not. There is a calculator on the UK visa page that will calculate this for you. With the children, correct, they are British, so just need passports.
  13. You won't get one that is transferable. Different risks. For example, chance of being bitten by a snake in the UK, is tiny. No way to transfer that to Oz.
  14. Holders of 491 visas do not pay school fees as it is a provisional visa not a temporary visa.
  15. Correct. Just one thing to be aware of. On entering Australia, if immigration don't believe her to be a genuine tourist, they can refuse entry
  16. Family can't simply sponsor someone. That was abolished decades ago. Family can sponsor via a points based system, but in some aspects it is actually harder than some other visa options. My advice would be to contact a good registered migration agent such as Go Matilda. You would need to be very mindful of a lot of extra things. For example. Electrical qualifications are often not recognised. The process is like,y to cost 30k and a range of other issues. Alan at Go Matilda is both an excellent agent an a specialist in UK / business and finance
  17. Glad you liked it. The north east actually has a lot to offer.
  18. In theory yes. But, it is in practise usually impossible to prove a 22 year old is actually dependent.
  19. It is a state sponsored visa. Have you obtained a state willing to sponsor
  20. Your starting point is the skilled occupation lists at the home affairs web site to see if it is still on any of the lists and if so which one. Then, if it is only on a short term list, if any states are sponsoring.
  21. I think it is slim, but, it would be worth running past a good registered migration agent. Many of the best will do an initial assessment for free
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