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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. The subject doesn't make any real difference for the 189. At the moment, you would not get an invite on even 80 points. However, that may change next month when the points system changes. Have you obtained your skills assessment and completed an English test?
  2. "You are in touch with one" or you have formally appointed and agreed fees with one? The difference is massive and the difference in advice you can expect is massive.
  3. Basically, all three are workable options. Though I will say I don't think you understand number 3 works. However, in order to chose which option is right for you, I would consult a registered migration agent to advise which route is best.
  4. While on a bridging visa, it will be reciprocal.
  5. I think your situation is far too specific for general help and you should speak to a registered migration agent. Most of the good ones (many post on here) will do an initial assessment for free.
  6. You should run this past a good registered migration agent.
  7. Yes, you would be entitled to reciprocal. But, you need to understand this is not full healthcare. Basically, they will keep you alive. But you are not entitled to many services. You should also be aware you may no longer be classed as resident in the UK, so can not simply come back for NHS treatment. So, you should take appropriate private healthcare insurance.
  8. Paul, who has replied to you above, is one of the best agents in the business and his contact details are at the bottom of his posts.
  9. A person does not lose British citizenship by taking Australian citizenship. They become a dual national with dual citizenship.
  10. First thing? Have you gotna visa? Second, there isn't enough info to say if your qualification is really worth anything in Oz? Let alone if it may assist in obtaining a visa
  11. Anmac may accept that experience, but immigration will not. It can not be used for points. This is important for the OP as the minimum needed for an invite at the moment is 85.
  12. I would run this one past a good registered migration agent.
  13. You are confusing two different visas. A partner visa generally refers to a visa for someone who is the partner of a person already an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Instead, your partner will be applying for a skilled visa and can include a partner on her application. There is no need for you to hold any skills for this. However, you would need to show that the relationship is one of de facto. Basically, that you have been living together for at least a year.
  14. No, was just a bit surreal. I finished the sale, took the dog for a walk around the golf course and jumped in a cab. Things that were left, were surf boards, garden tools, some pots and pans,, some other general kitchen stuff, things like cheap bedside lamps from ikea. You will be surprised how much tit tat you will have. IT was huge. And I mean huge. Just stuff, nobody is going to buy online. For example, have a bin in the house? Have some plant pots, all the general tat. Oh, but that general tat actually raised about $800. Which I had previously been wondering how to get to a dump. Oh, and we are not big on having "stuff" we like to be a bit more minimal
  15. I will start by saying, I am not sure on the legal point on this and hopefully one of godsend agents will advise. But what I would say is that any company that wouldn't spend such a small amount on this I would avoid working for like the plague. I would include and not even worry. This is a tiny amount of money in the cost of sponsoring a visa.
  16. Be aware, giving individual migration advice is illegal under Australian law unless you are are registered migration agent. And yes they take this very seriously and yes, the department do monitor the forum.
  17. I have edited your posts as we do not allow name and shame normally. All migration agents that post on the forum are regarded as excellent and all have their contact details in their signature in any post they make. Such as Paul Hand https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/263495-paulhand/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwMzI5MSwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjc0NX0= Wrussel https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/216280-wrussell/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwODQzMiwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjk0M30= Raul Senise https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/217526-raul-senise/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwODQzMiwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjc0MH0=
  18. When you come to sell, these are my tips as someone that sold pretty much everything. 1. Although we might be a digital economy now, I had the best results from posters on the IGA. 2. Gumtree was effective but a serious pain in the neck. Though got a very good price for the car on there. 3. Have a garage sale for the left overs. But make sure you put plenty of good signs out. I emptied a garage in a morning. Managed to get the last visitor to take the last of the tat for a bargain (stuff I was going to have to bin otherwise). Finished the garage sale about an hour before having to head for the airport for the flight back.
  19. Hola. Como estas I know South America fairly well (my wife is from Peru and I have worked in other parts, so understand what you mean). I would have to say head for the US. As you alr day know, it is much easier to travel to from the US, but has a much bigger Latin / South American culture than Oz and I think that is what you are understandably missing.
  20. You will be far better asking a specific question in your own thread
  21. I had a lot of friends lose their jobs while on the 457, which was the predecessor of the 482. Most ended up leaving Oz. My advice is, you should start planning that is may well be the case for yourself.
  22. There is a legal requirement that Australian citizens enter and leave on Australian passports.
  23. You can lodge the application now or later. It won't make any difference to their ability to stay beyond the 600 visa as they have a no further stay condition.
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