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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. At the moment, you won't get an invite for a 189 on 75 points. The minimum is currently 80 and I would not for see that changing until at least July
  2. Yes. But is they have a no further stay condition, then can not stay in Aus after their 600 expires. They will have to return home and wait for the 173 to be processed.
  3. If you go on a temp visa, you should assume that is all you will have. Even if at the moment the company are happy to look at PR sponsorship, a lot can change or simply not happen. For example, I have worked with big companies in Perth who suddenly without warning announced a ban on any sponsorship. I was lucky with the first as my 186 had just been lodged days before. Also, the rules change and even if they don't and the company wants to, the 186 has a very high refusal rate by the department. So, if you go, assume you are going back to your home country at the end of the visa.
  4. Any of the agents that post on here are good. Check out Wrussel, Paul Hand and Raul.
  5. You really should have sought help with an agent for this.
  6. You should take proffessional advice. This isn't straight cut.
  7. First, we are very fortunate that we have a number of the best in the business of registered migration agents who post on the forum. All have their contact details in their signature at bottom of any post along with their MARN Number. These are a few that are highly regarded, though if you glance through you will see others.  Paul Hand https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/263495-paulhand/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwMzI5MSwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjc0NX0= Wrussel https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/216280-wrussell/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwODQzMiwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjk0M30= Raul Senise https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/217526-raul-senise/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwODQzMiwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjc0MH0= But, you need to be aware any help at your stage is likely to be very limited and it is impossible to say what occupations will be on the list. Do not mix up occupations that are actually in high demand for people and occupations that the department of migration flag as in high demand. The two are not the same. For example, my occupation was on the lists while we had a unemployment rate nearing 50% and our proffessional body begging for it to be removed. I am assuming you are doing a degree. Based on my years on the forum as a member and moderator, I would say it likely the entire visa process will be different by the time you are in a position to apply, which is likely to be not just after you graduate but some years after.
  8. For your parents, once you are settled in Australia, they may be eligible for a parent visa. Being settled normally means you have been living in Australia for at least two years. However, you should be aware that processing times for these visas the processing times are 5 to 6 years but that is increasing. By the end of which they will need to pass a medical. The cost is about $64,000 each. So not cheap. This is assuming your sister is your only other sibling. With regard you sister in effect no.
  9. With regard you visa for Australia. Once you are married, you can apply for a spouse visa. This is a visa the comes in two parts for those just married. It is initially granted as a temporary visa and then transitions to a permanent visa.
  10. Will just add to the above, once you are in Australia you can do what ever you want.
  11. No no no. You never ever under any circumstances take advice from immigration. The people you speak to are not case officers but untrained call centre staff. Hence, immigration have a legal indemnity for giving incorrect advice and say that you should have spoken to a registered migration agent. Paul above is one of the best registered migration agents. And no, entering on a visitor does not in this circumstance cancel a PR.
  12. Because it will still appear on the record. In the UK, we have police cautions. These are a formal warning that have no penalty. They still appear.
  13. You are way way way over thinking and over doing. For example, to inc,use my unmarried partner in my visa I think I supplied 10 documents. Max.
  14. You have been repeatadly told you need proffessional advice. You are looking at risking risking huge sums of money. Health requirements are not shared, BUT, if you get a refusal from one country it can have serious negative consequences for visas generally internationally. Even visitor visas. TAKE PROFFESSIONAL ADVICE.
  15. Some of what you have asked has been answered. But, you should take proffessional advice and yes this will cost but your case is complex and a refusal for a 189 means loss of all fees and potentially even a ban on reapplying.
  16. But have you supplied prof that you completed at least five years of study in English? It doesn't matter what qualification you have in regards to this. You could have ten doctorates. You need to show that at least five years of study was completed in English
  17. All migration agents that post on the forum have their contact details in their signature in any post they make. Such as Paul Hand https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/263495-paulhand/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwMzI5MSwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjc0NX0= Wrussel https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/216280-wrussell/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwODQzMiwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjk0M30= Raul Senise https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/217526-raul-senise/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIwODQzMiwiaWRfMiI6MjUyNjc0MH0=
  18. Yes and to be honest, 3 to 4 years is fairly optimistic as wait times are blowing out significantly
  19. The first img you need to check is if it is on any of the skilled occupation lists. Then which list. That last part is key as if it is only on the short term list, then you would need to check if WA are sponsoring by checking their sponsorship list. I have seen this occupation pop up a few times and it seems very hard to pass the skills assessment based on memory. My advice would be to run you situation passed a good registered migration agent such as Paul Hand who posts on here regularly or any of the other agents that post regularly. Generally they will give a free assessment
  20. Have you spoken to them to find out why? That should be the first thing. With regard options, have you looked to see if you are eligible for an independent visa such as a 190? Lastly, I suspect that the reason for the change is they are far from certain an appeal will succeed. But, companies can simply change policy. I worked for two companies that suddenly announced it would longer sponsor. That meant in both cases a significant number of staff had to leave when their temp visas came to an end.
  21. You will be looking at least a couple more years. Possibly 3 to 4.
  22. The death cap, along with many other dangerous fungi are all over the world. Though death cap is problematic to those of us that forage as they look very similar to field mushrooms and often grow alongside. Here where I live in Scotland we have a bigger issue. I like to forage hogweed. But, we have water hemlock, which can look almost identical. The difference. Hogweed can be eaten like celery. Water hemlock. Less than a teaspoon can kill in minutes and there is no antidote.
  23. I am not totally sure of what you are asking, but you need to have your results before you can submit an eoi. I also suggest you look at points generally as it is currently 75 is a bare minimum needed, that is likely to increase shortly (based on last year). I would say for a 189, he will need realistically 80. Have you looked at a 190 state sponsored visa as this doesn't have a points competition?
  24. This is not the correct thing. There is only one scientifically proven deterrent to mosquitos and that is DEET. You should try a product with about 25% DEET and see if that works, if it does, brilliant, if not, upgrade to 50%.
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