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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY



    Your options on changing careers in order to qualify are going to be pretty limited. A number of occupations require a three year training period followed by three years post qualification experience. There are some "shortcuts" such as nursing, teaching and accountancy. Though there is no gauruntee any would be on the occupations list by the time you retrain and you may not be able to score enough points without experience in the occupation. By which time you could be too old - the age cut off is 45
  2. While Vevo is useful, don't really on it 100%. My status on Vevo was showing I was on a 457 two years after I had gained PR. I would take some proffessional advice. last,y, are you certain you meet the requirements for a partner visa?
  3. I have spent a long time working in areas with high malaria risks. This is the official method: Avoid dark clothing Wear a DEET based product such as Bushmans Most bites occur at dawn and dusk. Wear long sleeved loose fitting clothing and long trousers
  4. First, you need an occupation on the skilled occupation list. Having a degree on its own doesn't mean a lot. Do also consider the info about your sons father. He will have to agree and sign the paperwork or you will need a court order. With regard funds, this is an expensive process. You should be budgeting in the 20 to 30 thousand mark. The visas are the first part, in the thousands, but that is the drop in the ocean. One of the biggest is that you need to budget to live until you are working. This can take six months, in the mean time you have to pay rent, bills, food, buy and run a car and all the other daily costs. You would not be entitled to any government help during this.
  5. Yes, only one of you needs to qualify under the skilled lists.
  6. Front loading police and medical checks probably wasn't the best thing to do. They are valid for 12 months and processing can often be far longer than 12 months. Also, you have to make first entry to Australia within 12 months of he police or medical, which ever was earlier.
  7. Yes, she can continue to travel on visitor visas. The documents required are on the homeaffairs.gov.au web site. The advice stands. You need proffessional advice. Yes, you will pay for it. But, given the total visa cost for this visa is over $60 THOUSAND. A small fee for an agent is tiny in the face of it.
  8. There isn't really enough info. Is the marriage to be in Oz or UK? have they been living together? If so how long?
  9. I can not advise how strongly you need to use a GOOD registered migration agent to help with this. If you don't it us likely setting up for a refusal.
  10. This is normally a more simple visa (as long as people understand the processing time (which is very long) and costs (which are very high). In western countries, it is usually very hard to include a sibling over the age of 18. But, it can sometimes be possible in more developing countries. You are going though to need the help of a registered migration agent to help as this is fairly complex.
  11. I have deleted he post you quoted as the post was spam. Apologies for that. I believe you have previously been informed that the best people to speak to are specialist migration agents such as George Lombard. That advice is still the best.
  12. The system for using experience instead of a formal qualification is called Recognition of Prior Learning. It is available for "some" occupations. You situation is complex and I would recommend running it past a good migration agent.
  13. After many years on the forum. The advice I would give is do not assume you will get a police role at all. Generally, they are over subscribed and your experience is likely to count for not a lot. You should be planning for roles in other occupations as well as he police.
  14. The issue with a caters visa is that processing times are very long. A minimum of five years (which is likely to blow out significantly). A partner visa would be significantly quicker, but, you would need to check the relationship qualifies. They will want to see evidence that you are a lot more than just boyfriend / girlfriend and that the relationship is much more like man and wife, albeit without the ceremony. If you can not show that, then a option would be a prospective marriage visa. This would allow her to travel to Australia, you would then need to get married and she would then apply for a partner visa onshore
  15. It can take anything. Times are pretty erratic at the moment. But that is a major hurdle passed. I would wait until asked for medicals.
  16. Three years experience will not get you RPL. You will also need experience points on top of any experience points needed to pass the skills assessment. I really would run your details past a good agent. Any of the regular agents on here will do a free assessment
  17. You either fill out a form and register online or some will send you a form to be completed. Some are better than others. But very few will even consider you until you are in the country.
  18. Experience vary by occupation, but for trades it is usually about three years. However, you should check with the assessing body for your occupation.
  19. You already incorrect. I very strongly suggest you use a good agent. Yes, it costs a bit of money, but in the grand scheme of emigrating, it is literally a drop in the ocean.
  20. If you are going to rely on experience, then I would strongly recommend using a good registered migration agent as it is very easy to fail the skills assessment on this. It requires a totally separate process called recognition of prior learning.
  21. If you are applying in the UK, then apply and forget about it. You will probably be too old to move (unable to pass the medical by the time it is getting to grant). I know that sounds harsh, but this is a visa that is multiple decades in processing.
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