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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. The visa, once granted has full work rights. But, you would be on a bridging visa for decades. The bridging visa does not come with work rights. You would need to apply for those separately by showing financial hardship.
  2. What it means is that if your brother was still on a bridging visa, you would not be eligible. Do you realise that the processing time for this visa has a processing time of decades. During which you would have no access to any state assistance - no benefits or anything. Also, it would come with no work rights, you would need to apply for those me hope they grant.
  3. First, I can sympathise with having multiple cats. We had four at one point and three when we moved to Oz, but we decided to rehome them (mainly because we didn't have the funds to ship them). For us it worked out ideal as three neighbours whose houses they regularly broke into anyway agreed to take them. I have to say I think it will be hard. Cats are not well liked at the best of times in Oz by many. But not impossible. I would contact some of the real estate people in the area and seek advice from them. When we moved from Sydney to Perth, we had acquired a dog and spoke to the agents in Perth before we arrived and found them actually very helpful.
  4. There generally just sales pitches. Personally I wouldn't bother unless you live in the area and it is free
  5. You might want to have a look at our sister site perthpoms.com which is entirely dedicated to Perth / WA


    I would say that if he has needed painkillers as strong as morphine for twenty years then you have a potential issue. As a result, it is vital you speak to a specialist registered migration agent such as George Lombard who specialises in cases with medical complications
  7. Generally, from my experience, if a medicine is normally only prescribed by a specialist, a GP can still do the repeat prescription
  8. I wouldn't worry. They are looking at things that are likely to have a significant cost to the Australian tax payer.
  9. First, break down the practical stuff to what has to happen. Passports probably first. These can be done online. If you have pets, speak to some good pet shippers such as Dogtainers. This needs to be done early. If you are moving really quick, you probably won't have the time to arrange to ship all your possessions. But, you will have time to arrange a MoveCube. These come in three sizes and you would be surprised what you can get in! In which case, start thinking about what you will sell and doing so. Start job hunting back in the UK. Look at schools and speak to / contact the schools in the area you are hoping to move to. Speak to property management agents about renting out your property. If you do decide to sell later, this can be done from the UK. With regard health / medications, get a copy of medical records and take these with you. I take a number of medications and it wasn't an issue. I know it seems daunting. But, we did it in less than a week from the position you are in now.
  10. You should seek proffessional advice from a registered migration agent.
  11. Not using a good registered migration agent for a 187 is VERY silly. This visa has a very high failure rate. You will certainly need one now.
  12. IT varies. But, they do need to be aware they do have to live in the sponsoring state. Have they checked which states are sponsoring?
  13. That is very poor advice. The correct people to speak to are registered migration agents.
  14. Bad news. You must get an Oz passport Good news. You have plenty of time. When I had my ceremony, it was a Thursday night. I was flying Saturday morning, but my passport by the Friday lunch time. What you need to do is call your local passport office and make an appointment for an emergency passport. They will ask why you need it and just explain the situation. They will give you an appointment for straight after the ceremony. You go on the morning with your citizenship certificate. Fill in the form and then go back about 4 hours later to pick it up.


    The process of Oz to uk is simpler. For example, there is no quarantine as long as some boxes are ticked. The main one being that they have had a anti rabies jab one month prior to flying. I would still recommend using a specialist shipping company. As Pet Air don't ship Oz to UK, I recommend Dogtainers.
  16. It isn't a medical report you need. It is expert visa advice. George Lombard is regarded as the best in the business for this
  17. I don't know the condition, but, if it is a long term illness you should seek expert advice from an agent such as George Lombard.
  18. If you are not already using a good registered migration agent, it is very silly. You certainly need one now
  19. You need to speak to a registered migration agent.
  20. What visa are you going on? I ask as it effect employment.
  21. What I would say is, wait until you arrive, then go and see different places and keep an open mind until then. We thought we were pretty clear and had nailed it to three areas (1 NOR and 2 SOR). All three turned out to be the places we really disliked. Where we ended up, we loved and was somewhere we hadn't heard of.
  22. Will just add to the above that, it is important you tally your points accurately as over claiming is grounds for refusal. Also, a 190 requires a state to sponsor you, you need to check if any states are sponsoring your occupation and that you meet any conditions the state is imposing. You should also be aware that some states will routinely refuse 190 requests and instead offer a 489
  23. It was our first choice before we arrived in WA. It was our last after visiting.
  24. I am confused as well. Did you receive a visa as part of your partners application?
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