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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. You / and / company need good advice from a registered migration agent. The entire system is very different to when they previously sponsored. Your situation is complex and the company structure is complex and the department are prone these days to refusals. Expensive and extremely time consuming.
  2. Actually, if you invested in gold early in the last boom, you would still be crying. when you add in compound inflation, gold hasn't generally performed well at all. I am going to add a very big word of caution to your plan if you are coming to work for a miner. Mining budgets change all the time based on a million things, not even necessarily related to the metal price. Though metal price is a factor. But, far from even accounting for 20% of the reasons for change in budgets. These budgets change wildly. I have managed projects which I have been asked to budget $10 million per year, increasing. Then within three months told we have a budget for the year that means in effect nil. If you are going on a temp visa to a miner, you should assume you will be returning home sooner than you think. Source - senior level geoscientist in the mining industry specializing in gold, but with years of other commodities
  3. Not a lot. If they live in a regional area, and you qualify for a permanent visa, then the 489 family sponsored stream may be open to you. This basically is a provisional visa, which if you then meet certain obligations you can later apply for a permanent visa. But, it isn't actually often a good thing unless stumbling for points for a 189.
  4. Paul Hand https://www.suncoastmigration.com Raul Senise https://www.ozimmigration.com Both are regular members of the forum and highly regarded agents.
  5. There is an assumption that a 186 applicant will remain with their employer for two years after grant of visa. If they fail to do so, the employer can claim the applicant was fraudulent in their application. You should seek proffessional advice
  6. You really need to speak to a good registered migration agent.
  7. The former. The co will request both towards the end of the process
  8. A very long time. You should have included them in the original application.
  9. Generally you should assume no public funds will be available and only private care available
  10. Spouse visas can easily take two years plus. If you are from a high risk foundry I certainly would not be doing medicals now
  11. First, you are unlikely to get an invite for a 189 on 70 points. Second, have you checked the SA criteria to ensure they are sponsoring your occupation and any conditions applied You can lodge an eoi for both even all make sure your points are correct. If claiming for English, you must have taken the required tests such as ILETS prior to he eoi.
  12. I would run this past a good registered migration agent as it seems unlikely but they may be better / other options.
  13. If your agent says refusal is a possibility, then you simply have to accept that.
  14. Note. The bridging visa does not come with right to work. You would need to subsequently apply for this based on hardship. It is not gaurunteed. You would not be entitled to full Medicare hearly treatment, only reciprocal care which is basic. You would not be entitled to any government assistance such as unemployment benefits. Any study, would be regarded as an international student. These are important to consider given this visa takes many years to process.
  15. Actually, it is fairly recent as it was cut from 50 a year or two ago.
  16. You would need to contact them individually as they are private health providers. I remember we were able to get an appointment on an a evening. I would though question if you should be doing them yet with your agent as they are only valid for a year and first entry must be made within a year of medical / police check, which ever is earlier. So, it is generally advised to wait until the dept request them.
  17. For a 189 slim. Forma 190, it will depend on what state you have applied for sponsorship.
  18. It should be big enough for the dog to stand up fully and be able to turn around. But no bigger (not least because airline fees are based on crate size, but also you want them to feel enclosed).
  19. Yes, but be aware of the pitfalls. The visa takes a long time to process (over five years and increasing). If, shortly before grant he attends the medical and fails, he would face being sent back. A real possibility with elderly people. Also, during his time on a bridging visa, he wouldn't get full Medicare, or other government assistance.
  20. First, ere are lots of them. Second, they're low priority. Third, the dept and the government (to some extent right,y) that they shouldn't be needed as a person has a year to make the move and then can gain citizenship.
  21. If you or the sponsor are not using a registered migration agent to deal with this, it would be mind boggingly stupid. It is setting yourselves up for a very long very expensive time. The department has a long history of loving to refuse 482 applications. A refusal can mean loss of fees and far worse.
  22. Just make sure your wife gets her UK citizenship before the move as indefinite leave to remain does not mean a indefinite right to move back if you wanted to. Far from it. It expires and the rules on gaining a new spouse visa are becoming harder all the time.
  23. The minimum is 65. But you should check if NSW are applying any extra requirements such as higher points. Any of the registered migration agents that post regularly on the forum would be good such as Raul, Paul Hand, wrussel
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