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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. It also depends on how many points you have. The minimum requirement is 65, but that will not get you an invite for a 189. You would need a minimum of 75. Personally, between the two, I would go for the partner visa. Slightly more expensive, but not waiting for an invite to apply that may never come.
  2. The 186 will not be able to continue. Have you looked at independent visas such as a 189 / 190?
  3. I would run your case past a good registered migration agent. Most will do an initial assessment for free.
  4. Potentially seriously. Medicals are the only element that results in a one fail all fail principle. So, the system will consider the likelihood of her needing expensive treatment and what that treatment may cost. I would recommend you speak to a specialist migration agent such as George Lombard
  5. It isn't a. condition, just experience of being on the forum for over a decade, having had three visas and being a moderator. States will regularly refuse sponsorship to applicants living in another state.
  6. The state will likely reject you on the basis you are not committed to the state. Also, have you checked if NSW are sponsoring your occupation and any conditions attached?
  7. Yes, but be aware that this is not a permanent visa. It is a provisional visa which allows you to apply for a permanent visa after two years if you have met the conditions.
  8. It depends on where you live. I am on the area between southern and lower south west Scotland. I am in a sleepy village that is stuck in about 1935 - in a good way. Crime is unknown. I don't even know where my house keys are, as we don't use them. I know where my car key is. In the ignition, where it lives. The kids in the village play unsupervised on the green. But, I am only 18 miles from Glasgow and 45 minutes from Edinburgh.


    Shipping, if you haven't a lot then look at Movecube. They come in three sizes. We used Dogtainers for our dog and thought they were amazing.
  10. Yes, but remember one visa cancels another. So, if you were invited for a 190 and applied and were granted but failed to withdraw the 489 in time and it is then granted, the 489 will cancel the 190.
  11. It isn't a condition, but is stipulated in the regulations that there is an assumption you will remain with the sponsor for at least two years. If you fail to do so, the sponsor could report you for visa fraud which would result in your visa being cancelled.
  12. You have said it yourself. It is the minimum amount to become a joiner. Australia, quite reasonably, isn't interested in minimum qualifications. The general rule with all occupations is that time in the occupation only counts after becoming fully qualified.
  13. Did you actually apply to NSW for sponsorship direct? The point requirement is technically e same as a 189, but states can lay down their own rules for sponsorship.
  14. Because views NVQ2 as none qualified. So, only experience gained after becoming qualified will count.
  15. For three months, he can visit on a normal tourist visa.
  16. Further to Paul's post above, normally, you need to be resident in Australia for two years to show settled status. Fees, are about $125,000 for two adults. Be aware that processing times are likely to be between 5 and 8 years.
  17. Sorry about that. We have deleted and dealt with the offender.
  18. It downs t work like that. It depends on lots of variables such as occupation, sponsor history, location and others. But, expect a minimum of several months up to close to two years.
  19. We used Dogtainers and found them excellent. We flew Perth to London.
  20. If you are going on a temp visa, it is vitally important you understand and accept you are not going one way. You will be going home at the end of the visa. This could be a matter of days to up to 4 years.
  21. There are a number of companies that can arrange it for you, one of the most highly regarded is Pet Air and you can contact them via the forum here https://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/35-shipping-pets-ask-pet-air/ Be aware it is an expensive process and takes significant lead time so I would contact them ASAP.
  22. All I can say is,, I grew up in a very rough town that still has a well deserved reputation - Middlesbrough. Today, since returning from Australia, I live in a picturesque country village, near a small market town that is considered "desirable" that has one of the best schools in the country. Housing though is about the same as Middlesbrough! We pay a little more than we could in order to live in the village a couple of miles from town in a charming little cottage because we like the piece and quiet. There are families in the village and we have a small primary school, though no shop or anything. Though we do have a village hall that does a range of things from monthly cinema to village parties. The kids, I would say have a very idyllic life. I hear them playing as I go to bed at the moment on the village green, because it is very safe. But, we do not live anywhere near where either me or my wife's families are. We are in Scotland. But, one of the advantages of the U.K. is being smaller, that isn't hard. For example, my wife's brother is in London. She can get a £30 flight in less than an hour. We have even done it as a day trip. I can drive to visit my family in Middlesbrough and drive back same day.
  23. Do not use hem. Do not hand over any further cash. If you need to speak to a agent, then speak to one of those that regularly post on the forum such as wrussel or Paul Hand.
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