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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. The best way would be to apply for and wait until granted your citizenship. The ability to travel on your PR visa will expire next year. After which you will need to apply for a resident return visa. This should be fine to obtain and will give you another five years, but the travel may then have implications for eligibility for citizenship on your return as to qualify you must not have spent more than 12 months out of Australia and no more than 90 days in the year prior to application.

    Mrs EMJ

    Given that the department pretty much look for reasons to refuse a 186. Given that only a small part of the criteria is on you - the employer has to pass a series of hurdles. Given the high refusal rate. Given that a AAT appeal will take 1 to 2 years and cost big bags of money. I would say not using an agent is foolish.
  3. You need to look through this https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder/visit
  4. The new financial year is only round the corner. July 1
  5. I doubt it, the definition of de facto is that you are man and wife except for the paperwork / ceremony. I second Marisa though that a chat with a good agent would be vital.
  6. That is a fairly serious issue. Not only are they likely to refuse, but also cancel the WHV and issue a ban on further application.
  7. He can not be self employed. He must work full time for the sponsor and can not work for any other employer.
  8. For a 190 and you have obtained state sponsorship?
  9. If a state is willing to sponsor then that will get an invite for a190
  10. He would have no restriction on working. Have you got a company willing to sponsor you? You can not just apply without that. Are you aware of the issues surrounding temp visas?

    help lost

    Potentially, yes. But and is is a big but. If the department believe she has married purely to obtain a visa, the consequences could be very serious. For her and you. What visa is she currently on and what is the issue the department have raised?
  12. Basically, what we have found with the NHS is that when you register with a GP and things you will be asked if you are a resident and have been for six months or more. If you answer no, you will simply be asked a couple of questions and it's as simple as that. If you need more extensive treatment such as hospital care, they will ask for evidence if you haven't been resident for six months such as tenancy agreement.
  13. Splice visas from low risk countries are about 12 to 18 months. High risk closer to two years.
  14. Did you come,etc a formal apprenticeship? If not, then time of experience is deducted to make up for it.
  15. According to he department, the estimated processing time for a new app,I can't is fifty years.
  16. It is actually very simple. I completed me and my wife's application in an hour or two on line one Sunday afternoon after too many glasses of wine. It is nothing like a visa application. There are some long waits - you should expect at least a year. Possibly two. But, there isn't a lot you can do about it. The department don't prioritise them and then you have to wait for your council to allocate a slot for the ceremony.
  17. If you have been reading through the threads on this, then the advice is still sound. You need to speak to a specialist migration agent such as George Lombard.
  18. When you spoke to immigration consultants, did you actually engage them for their services, because I think this is your best option. Yes, you will pay, but the options you are looking at are far from straight forward. I would recommend wrussel. Have you looked at the skilled visa options?
  19. Will also just add, that even as things stand today, just getting the minimum level of qualification and experience probably wouldn't be enough to get an invite for a 189. You would struggle with that to get much more than the minimum 65 points. But, nobody is getting invited on that. At present, it is 80 points, that is like,y to decrease next month, but not down to 65.
  20. No, you can't work for the UK limited company Are you sure you still have a travel visa? If it was granted prior to the 482, then the 482 would have cancelled it. You could apply for a new one, but far from certain you will get one granted You can generally apply for occupations that have the same three digit codes for the occupation code. However, I would seek advice on that.
  21. I he ant heard anything yet, other than it will be everywhere except for state capitals
  22. Where there kana medical complication to a visa, it is always worth running past a specialist migration agent such as George Lombard
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