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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. Be aware, it isn't just normal shots. They need to have rabies jabs and these must be administered by a government approved vet (most vets are not registered to do this for migration purposes). The vet will then add the serial numbers of the vaccine to the paperwork which will be needed to pass through customs. (Failure will mean they do not pass customsonce reach the UK!!!) Do, as I said, get a pet shipper involved and earlier than later. Costs are by the size of the animal. My chihuahua was $3000k and he is smaller than a cat. Lots of things can through spanner so in the works. For example, 24 hours before our fella was about to fly, the airline announced a total embargo on animals. Panick for us, but Dogtainers handled it and arranged a alternative flight with a different airline. All of the the airlines have a limited amount of spots for animals, which is limited agin by where they stop off. So don't underestimate this. You will find a Movecube holds a lot more than a couple of tea chests and I would urge you to pack it as full as possible. You pay by size not weight. So might as well fill it. You would be surprised how it is the daft stuff you miss. To this day, three years later, I still miss my favourite pan! If you go with Movecube, draw out it ps dimension on the garage floor and the then start packing every img you can in to the height.
  2. In wouldn't worry too much yet. All visas are currently taking a fair time to process. Inhave seen straight forward first time WHV applications taking a month or two (used to be done in hours).
  3. Hi will need some sort of police / criminal record check. Even if it is saying he has an offence. Having a criminal offence is not a total bar on the visa. It would depend on the offence and the sentence given.
  4. You would need to apply for a partner visa. Note, a boyfriend / girlfriend relationship is not what normally satisfies the criteria. The definition of a de facto is you are effectively man and wife, just without the certificate. So have been living together for at least 12 months.
  5. The response is still the same. Contact a good migration agent such as wrussel above.
  6. Usually any official document requiring a photo will require a passport type.
  7. 186 and 187 have very high refusal rates. I would strongly recommend an agent is involved.
  8. I would recommend you run your case past a good agent. Many will do an initial assessment for free.
  9. I would recommend you speak to a good registered migration agent.
  10. We moved and returned to the UK after eight years. The first thing I will say is, moving either way is VERY expensive. People think that it is all done and dusted once visas are granted and things. Actually, the expensive side doesn't even begin until you get off the plane. You need to allow enough funds to live for months while you find work. I remind budgeting for six months. Long gone are the days where poms stepped off the boat and were in work straight away. returning is also very expensive. For some, even more so. As others have said, the move to Oz is one of the single most high stress things you can do. I would not even consider it unless your relationship is 100%. You know how marriages can have issues when people are out of work, then there are issues because you are renting and then others, that generally can cause lots of relationship issues. Now, imagine doing it on the other side of the world!!! Then throw into the mix the issues that you may not be able to return due to the kids being trapped. I would not recommend.
  11. Be very careful of relying on this. It does not replace each state's website as it is often many months out of date.
  12. IT is one of the simpler visas to apply for. But, it does get refusals and most people who get one, never realised there was a problem until the refusal was given. Which is a very expensive mistake. As a result, I generally advice having for an initial paid consultation to just check there isn't anything likely to be an issue.
  13. Not all states require proof of funds or a job offer. You should go through each state to see which are sponsoring and what criteria they are applying.
  14. A bridging visa would come in immediately on the expiry of your working holiday visa.
  15. Licensed trades are not normally degree qualified (I believe). The two most common are plumber and electrician and the formal training would be their apprenticeship
  16. I am afraid you will need to do the medical again as there on valid 12 months and partner visas are taking longer than that. Wait u till requested again.
  17. Medicals are in the few hundred bracket. Police checks in the tens of pounds. So peanuts compare to the cost of a partner visa which is in the fair few thousands. If you are applying for a spouse visa, then do not apply for your resident return visa yet as spouse visas are taking a couple of years.
  18. This thread has the details on the visa that will be needed and the link to the official website. There are basically two ways to qualify for it. One based on savings and one based on income or a combination. With regards shipping, it depends on how much stuff you want to send. If it a house full, then a container from any of the major global shipping companies. Ask for a few to provide quotes. If it is a smaller amount, then look at Movecube. Pets are a big one as it needs early planning. Costs will depend on the size of the pet. We shipped our chihuahua in 2016 and it was about $3000. We used a company called Dogtainers who we were very happy with.
  19. No. Once you were granted PR, you have it independently
  20. I am afraid to say as well, that after my years on the foru,m, watching cuts to the department, changes and now significant cuts to the numbers of grants. I would expect a much longer delay. My guess on a 2017 app,I can't would to allow up to 8 years. I know it is frustrating, but, from Australia's view, you are not the people it wants. Also, remember that most countries, including the UK do not even have a comparable visa.
  21. Also, have to ask, how old are you?
  22. No. They won't qualify. They will need to gain a few years experience in order to pass a skills assessment. Then hope that the occupations are still on the list. also, note that many trades in the UK now only do a basic level of qualification such as NVQ2. In many cases this will not be enough and if not, only experience gained after upgrading to a full apprenticeship/ NVQ3 will be counted.

    Health Check

    What visa have you applied for?
  24. At he moment, 189's need a minimum of 80 points and I have seen an invite below 85. What state did you request sponsorship from for a 190?
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