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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. On what you have posted. Yes. But do take professional advice as what's,e and you may think is equivalent experience can be very different to the department. We have had member think - very reasonably they qualify. But to get a refusal.
  2. Actually, the outskirts of Bori are stunning. Was born there and visit my father there. Huge amounts of great places.
  3. If the Vic web site says you need a job offer for your occupation. You need a job offer. Vic is one of the state's that chooses to offer sponsorship to occupations that are not in real demand, but instead of removing from their list, applies requirements.
  4. George Lombard is the specialist agent you should contact.
  5. Have you been on the Victoria immigration website to check any conditions that apply?
  6. I would highly recommend you speak to a registered migration agent. Yes, this may cost some cash, but, how much do you want the visa?
  7. Total rubbish. Registered migration agents are the people that are the only people who should be used.
  8. Actually. States are now having visas cancelled if applicants do no meet their "moral" obligation. I would strongly recommend you assume you are committed to the state. I also recommend everyone should use a registered migration agent. A skills assessment does not guarantee a visa. Far from it. Only two weeks ago we had a member with a positive skills assessment refused. I have Sen this over my year on the forum more times than I can count. In every case, a agent would have prevented the refusal. A refusal in not just loss of fee, but potentially even a ban on reapplying
  9. You need to speak to a registered migration agent. Wrussel who has posted above is excellent and his contact details are in his signature
  10. I would strongly recommend you speak to a registered migration agent.
  11. You must have held a substantive visa with no breaks. If in 20-6, you held no visa, then you can not count any time prior to that. It would reset from the time you next gained a substantive visa.
  12. Newcastle. Lots to do and see. Get a train down to Whitley Bay (it's a 15 minute trip) Stunning beach and the park does free concerts all through summer inc,using some very big names. Middlesbrough. Stay in southern part / southern edge. North is not good. South is nice, gives access to North Yorks national park, great villages such as Yarm, Stocksley and other. Stewart's Park is worth a trip. Has the museum of Captain Cook. A secret tip. The church opposite is very old and is the place Capt Cook was christened. All of the wood including pews were made by he mouse man. See how many mice you can find. A short walk from the park is fairy dell. A stunning woodland. Just north of the park are some shops which have a old Boro butchers that sell some of the best versions of north east foods such as peas pudding. Short drives from Boro are Whitby (great small town famous for its ruined Abby and the setting of Dracula. And the tiny village of Robins Hoods Bay. Stunning village very popular with tourists.
  13. Do make sure you are fully aware of the issues that come with temp visas.
  14. Wood is actually fine. I have imported wood from tiny African villages with zero issue.
  15. In a decade on the forum as both member and moderator, I have never heard of such a thing. All you can do is apply for roles. However, many companies now no longer sponsor PR (or even temp visas since costs were significantly increased).
  16. I would strongly recommend you speak to a registered migration agent. There are a number of excellent ones on the forum such as wrussel.
  17. You will be asked if you have been living outside the UK and will as a result be then asked to confirm you are now living permanent back in the UK. It shouldn't be an issue and I have received treatment inc,using surgery since returning.
  18. At the moment, her PR visa is still there. But her right to enter Australia has expired. If she obtains a whv, the PR visa will be cancelled entirely as the whv will replace it. The ability for a 21 year old to then qualify for a PR visa in her own right would be very slim. So, if she went for a whv and then decided she wanted to stay, there is strong chance she wouldn't be able to. Given her family is in Oz, I think she has a very sting chance of being granted the rrv. At the moment, many visa categories have seen processing times blow out. I would strongly urge patience.
  19. Hi and welcome to forum. We returned in 2016 after 8 years in Oz. From where you have lived, I am guessing your husband works in mining?
  20. This has a habit of catching up with people down the line. The department can check tax records. You would also need to pass a skills assessment - proof of where you are working. If this were to catch up in the future, you would face visa cancellation. Even if it were years later, even after gaining citizenship, the citizenship would be cancelled and you would be deported. So, I don't recommend.
  21. You could, but that would certainly cancel the PR. I would wait for a decision on the rrv
  22. First, an agent is incredibly important. You would be amazed how easy it is to make an error that results in a refusal. That means no refund and even a potential ban on reapplying. As for a gamble. That is any visa. There is no guarantee of finding work on a PR visa. Far from it. Do not assume that because an occupation is on the skilled lists there is actually work in that occupation. For example, my own occupation remained on the lists when we had nearly 50% unemployed and our professional body begging for its removal.
  23. A TSS would also require a company / hospital to sponsor you. This isn't a given any more as nursing jobs are not as plentiful as they used to be. I would also advise you to look at that route if you fully understand the implications of that visa. Most importantly that it is a temporary visa with the expectation you will be leaving at the end.
  24. My guess as to why fewer trades may have been invited is the high points currently needed. At the moment no invitations have been given on less than 75 points. Given that to get 75 would often mean having a degree, it might be hard.
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