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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. I agree with both of the above.
  2. I would say that is far from certain. I would recommend you speak to a registered migration agent ASAP.
  3. No, once you get new passports, you will need to update immigration.
  4. I think you are missing the point of the 482 and its previous incarnation, the 457. The idea is that it allows an employer to hire someone when they can't find the skills locally and gives them enough time to train someone into those skills. Hence the requirement for a training benchmark- a rough attempt to get the employer to do that. The idea being that the local newly trained member of staff then takes over the role.
  5. If the main reason for the visa is to reduce tax on your super, it wouldn't be worth it given that two visas will cost about $120,000+
  6. Let me put it like this. In a average 12 month period, the Australian government, the minister and the department will make over 2000 changes to migration law, rules and regulations. Out of that, the department will maybe publish ten on its web site. It is not unusual for its website to be totally wrong. It is also very common for the department to give incorrect information and over my years I have come across masses of people who have caused themselves massive issues because of this. At the same time, the department has a legal indemnity for this. In other words, you can rely on their information, apply for a visa, get refused. There is nothing you can do about that. You can of course complain, at which point the department will simply point out that you should have consulted a registered migration agent.
  7. I would strongly recommend you use a registered migration agent.
  8. House. Personally, I would recommend sell as trying to be a landlord from the other side of the world is potentially a headache. Fine if all goes well. Pain if there is a problem. Dog. We used Dogtainers who were excellent. Shipping I think is a bit of a muchnesss. All similar. Get a number of quotes Jobs. UK currently has highest employment rate in decades. Once you know when moving, start applying
  9. Lots of potential reasons. Overclaiming points. Similarly, claiming points for English when not haven done the required tests prior to the eoi. Failure to obtain a skills assessment prior to eoi Fail medical Fail character The best way to prevent. Use a registered migration agent.
  10. Depending on which state you live and where in the state, she could apply for a 489 family sponsored stream which would give some extra points. However, it can be an issue career wise as it can mean she has to live and work in a regional area, but the definition of this ca be very different by state. She will though need to maximise points.
  11. It isn't the restrictions, it is the purpose of travel. The department issue a specific visa for these circumstances. She is not a genuine tourist and people have been turned back at the border for this. This will sound odd, but you should never take advice from the department. They are notorious for giving bad advice, but carry a legal immunity for such and a complaint would result in the regulations stating you should only seek advice from a registered migration agent. If I had a $ for every time over the years we have had someone act on the advice of the department, I would be sat on my boat been served cocktails by staff.
  12. I would run it past a registered migration agent to check which is the best strategy as a 189 may not even be the best option - at present invites for 189 would need 80 points, particularly for accountant.
  13. When your employer went bankrupt, did you notify the department?
  14. When your employer went bankrupt, did you notify the department?
  15. First,mthe bridging visa will only commence once the tourist visa expires. While we have had members use this strategy, it is risky as if homeaffairs realise what is happening, she chances being refused entry. A prospective marriage visa would have been a better option. Yes, will have work rights. The ability to leave the country will depend on which class of bridging visa is issued. Though she can apply to change it. Yes, she must be in Oz for grant. She would need to let the department know her travel plans.
  16. Hard to say, but not more than a couple of months (generally). You will then have 12 months from date of police / medical checks, which ever is the earlier, to make first entry.
  17. Invitations for 189 are being made but as a minimum only for those with 75 points and there is some evidence now 80 points. 190 varies by state, occupation and points.
  18. As mentioned, your child won't gain citizenship on your PR. He will need to be included in any future application you make. With regards to your husband, he is granted PR in his own right and if you were to split up and him remain, he would continue to have PR.
  19. Yes, you and your son will also need medicals. You will also, with your wife need police checks. But don't do either yet. Wait until the case officer asks you.
  20. You need to go through the skills assessment criteria in detail to see if you meet them all. Pit may be wise to speak to a good registered migration agent such as wrussel to see if this is the best option.
  21. What visa are you bridging from?
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