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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. Well, there are a few other options such as remaining relative, if all of your relatives are in Australia. But, the processing time is about 50 years. Yes, that is correct five zero years.
  2. How do you think moving from one first world country to another first world country will achieve this?
  3. First, family has very little benefit for visas anymore. Potentially just some extra points if, you already would have qualified under the hardest visa to get. The second thing that worries me is costs. This is not a cheap process. It is going to overall need a budget of thousands. It is then uncertain if you can qualify for a visa at the moment based on what you have written. Visas are skills based and require an applicant to pass a skills assessment which is an assessment of qualifications and experience against defined and strict standards. Because your situation isn't clear, you will need to speak to a registered migration agent to assist you. You will need to pay for this and it will be in 4 figures to do the application. Not including visa fees also in four figures (dollars) plus the skills assessment, police checks, medical etc.
  4. Just a comment on your overall plan. First, getting an employer these days wanting to sponsor a 186 is far from easy. Second, it requires a skills assessment and the majority of occupations this requires at least a couple of years of post qualification experience. Note the "post qualification" experience. Experience gained while studying doesn't count.
  5. Rail who has posted above is a highly regarded agent and his contact details are in the bottom of his post
  6. Dogtainers offer this and I found excellent on relocating from Oz to UK.
  7. Your immi account can give you that. I would add, I think any business sponsored visa that isn't using an agent is very foolish. You are setting yourself up for a rejection and an expensive appeal.
  8. No. And you probably currently can not pass a skills assessment.
  9. With 70 points, depending on occupation, you could have a long wait for an invite. 70 is the current minimum to get an invite at all. You can get a mortgage on a 489 and the time on a 489 counts towards your citizenship. You only will need one year as PR to get.
  10. Will just add, if your occupation is on the medium and long term skills list, you don't need to look at state lists if you have enough points. The age cut off is 45 If you do need state sponsorship, they may add extra criteria At the moment the minimum points requiremwnts 65. However, you probably won't get invited to apply with that. If you can tell us more about yourself, such as occupation, qualification, age length of time in occupation we can probably help you more.
  11. The dog is actually the only massive / time delaying thing. I recommend using a professional pet shippers such as Dogtainers who we used and were excellent. The rest is not that hard. We only made the decision on a Tuesday and flew the Saturday. Luckily the dog had least had his rabies shot. The dog will need to get that and then a wait of 28 days after the shot before it can fly. There is no quarantine and you can collect on arrival. We found our very nervous little one arrived fine. Just a bit hungry and he had jet lag for a few days. If you have a house to sell, get it on the market. It doesn't need to sell before as the sale can be completed from the UK Book shippers. Book some temp accommodation. We used Airbnb Staet applying for jobs. Book flights.
  12. Yes you can, but I don't really see the point. Processing times and eoi waits have blown out and with 70 points, if you were to lodge an eoi today you could easily be looking at not getting PR until you would via the 489 anyway.
  13. Just change career for migration. The skills lists are have fluid at the moment with lots of changes. Over 200 occupations removed recently and more likely to follow.
  14. First, employment prior to being fully qualified is usually not counted for skills assessments. If you are struggling to complete the skills assessment, then I would strongly recommend speaking to a registered migration agent.
  15. I am reading between the lines of your posts and am assuming cash is tight. We made the move back in 2008 with the same issue. We had a relocation package. We were very frugal, but even then it ended up costing a LOT of money (5 figures). Which we hadn't planned on but luckily had from house sale that we had been hoping to use to buy a place. (Couldn't as a result). If you can only afford to do it cheap,y, you probably can't afford to. For what it is worth, half - like myself end up back in the UK for various reasons. It isn't a place of dreams like shown on Wanted Down Under. It's just another first world country. No better no worse. Just different.
  16. Any bridging visa would not apply until the 457 no longer applied. Be aware that cancelling a 457 in the hope of a bridging visa is a potentially very bad idea.
  17. I can't answer your first question as I can't read the attachment. As for police checks, I wouldn't have even done them yet. You don't need them for an eoi, given that you could be waiting a fair while for an invite and then a long wait for grant and there only valid for 12 months. Shortly before grant of visa, your case officer will contact you to request police and medicals and that is the time to do them
  18. It would have zero affect or even interest.


    No need for that. Friendly moderator here. PetAir are so much a sponsor, (they were not sure if still are), but Bob, their boss does help answer questions on the forum and they are very highly regarded. They are are the only company ran by vets. Many of our members have used them and given very high feedback, that is why you are likely to get a lot of positive feedback.
  20. I would expect you to be invited for a 189 with those point provided your occupation isn't capped.
  21. If you need a state electrical license, it varies by state, but as an approximate guide, you will need to work as a trade assistant for about a year. A bit like an apprentice. You will need to undertake some college courses at TAFE. Be aware, these are expensive.
  22. At least 12 months ans possibly significantly more. You should not have bothered with medicals and things yet as they expire after 12 months. Applications lodged in the UK classed as low risk, so quick processing are taking more than 12 months. India is classed as high risk.
  23. If your eoi has expired, then it has expired. You will need to relodge
  24. I would have recommended you to seek professional advice from a specialist agent. Medical conditions do not necessarily have to be serious to result in a refusal. It is based around cost. So, if a medication is particularly expensive, it can result in rejection.
  25. Will just add, not only would your daughter be treated as an international student in Australia, but on return to the UK, the U.K. Would treat her as an international student until she has been resident again for three years.
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