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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. At the moment, nurse, is on the skilled occupation list. However, it will be several years before your partner would be in a position to consider applying for a visa and there is no gauruntee that it will be then. Likewise any trade you chose to retrain in as the skills lists change regularly and are getting consistently shorter - over 200 occupations have been cut recently. Also, with trade, you can't just do a NVQ2, you need at least NVQ3 and then several years experience. If either of you are going to retrain, then do it in something you really want to, regardless of if it results in a visa or not. A forklift license is t going to be of any assistance or even recognised in Australia. Student visas are very expensive as you pay international fees, so you will be paying very large amounts for a course you could probably do at home with no guarantee of any further visa. Most international students have to go home after the course.
  2. Never look at list that are not the official lists at homeaffairs.gov.ai
  3. I would advise you / the company speak to a migration agent. Though the safest way for yourself would be to obtain a independent skilled visa.
  4. Yes, in mid 40's. We left in 2016 after 8 years in Oz, but with the last two sucking away our savings to the point we arrived back with a suitcase each and nothing. But we are now doing "ok" but nothing like we would have been if we had taken the decision to return a lot earlier.
  5. I am not sure why you think the NHS would be poorer. We returned in 2016. Shortly after, my wife noticed a odd looking mole on my back. So, I went to see my GP who didn't think it was an issue but best to be cautious. I was sat there expecting a referral in months. Nope, same day I was in hospital having tests. Dermatologist also didn't think it was much but also though caution and said best to be removed. Within 2 weeks I was in surgery. That would have been quicker but I changed the hospital to be more convenient. Last year, I was driving to work and felt huge chest pain. As an older guy I went straight to hospital. Was seen by a huge number of specialists in moments. Established it wasn't a heart attack but a chest infection. But did pick up I had high cholesterol and should see a specialist. I was refered and saw him that day.mmore tests and a consultation. Have been seeing him monthly since and having tests including a look at having gene therapy. Prescribed a range of drugs (all free as NHS Scotland don't change for prescriptions) Had my last consultation a month ago and tests show now back in normal range. My wife has had on going long term dental issues. Spent over 10k in Oz after insurance. Pretty much resolved here at a cost of about 100.
  6. It isn't an immigration lawyer you should speak to, but one of the agents mentioned.


    Will just add, that all dependents must pass police and medical checks (children are exempt from police)
  8. I am not sure what you mean by your skills are not transferable. If you are looking to migrate, then you would best looking at skilled migration. Look at the homeaffairs.gov.au web site and at the 189 and 190 visas. The 189 is the better option. First, check the occupation lists. I believe electrician is there. Then check the requirements for the skills assessment and check you pass it. Then, look through the other criteria such as age / medical / character. Then go through points. You need a minimum of 65, but the more the better. Most people at this stage realise they need to sit an English exam such as ilets to get more points. I don't recommend sponsored visas as they are usually temporary and come with a lot of issues.
  9. There only valid for 12 months. Wait until requested as it doesn't speed up the process by doing them early. If the visa isn't granted within 12 months she will have to do them again.
  10. Medicals are valid for 12 months.
  11. I am afraid you have missed the boat for migration. The age cut off is 45. You could obtain a short term work visa for up to 4 years.
  12. If you are taking any animals, you need to commence this very soon.
  13. If you are daft enough to live in London......
  14. It is very much up to you. You all have to make first entry by the first entry date, but this doesn't have to be the date you move. You have five years from grant to make the permanent move. But, the later you leave it there are issues creeping in.
  15. If you are willing to get married then a prospective marriage visa is possible. Be aware you need authority from your child's father to remove him. This is regardless of the fathers relationship or you would need a court order.
  16. On your visa grant, there are two dates. One says must enter before. This is a date normally 12 months from the date you supplied medical or police check. You must make a visit to Australia by that date. You can not sponsor a partner visa if you are not living in Australia. The child visa can be applied for, but if you want to do this after the five year visa expiry, I would take professional advice. You also need professional advice about sending your child, even if they have gained a visa, without you.
  17. The occupation has to be on a list. To be honest, I can't see it ever coming on either. Passenger trains are fairly limited as there are only two that run across the country which are a bit like the orient express (look up The Gahn). Or short sort of overland tube services within cities, which unlike the UK are very low paying jobs. The one exception are things like iron ore mines in WA, which are very highly paid, but there is a que of people waiting for drivers to retire.
  18. The first thing is to see if you qualify for a visa, at the moment I would be surprised. Have you completed a full apprenticeship in a trade?
  19. This isn't an expert opinion by any means, but were you issued a military ID number (trust me you will know if you have) or an MOD90 ID card? From memory you wouldn't have been and I strongly doubt you are regarded as having any military service (even in the UK) If the answer is no, then you don't have military service.
  20. Does the skills assessment require experience ? Most occupations require some post qualification experience
  21. Migration is rarely fair or sane. Let me give you a couple of examples. My occupation stayed on the skilled lists as a "wanted / in demand" occupation when we had near 50% unemployment. On fairness, there was a visa until a couple of years ago that was for skilled applicants that took a long time to process - think years. Out of the blue, the dept announced the visa was cancelled, retrospective. Many of the applicants were already in Australia on bridging visas and had been for years. They were informed they no longer have. Visa and must leave within 28 days. Oh, and they could get a refund if they could provide the original paper recipiet for the payment made years before.
  22. Are you sure you qualify for a partner visa? A de facto is a relationship equivalent to a married couple that haven't don't the legal ceremony. Normally, this is evidenced by proving you have lived together for 12 months.
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