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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. I hope you have actually got the results from 2 and 3 before you complete red the eoi.
  2. If your partner needs to retrain to be a main applicant in their 40's they have probably left it too late. For example, skills assessments for most occupations require a qualification and several years post qualification experience. Also bear in mind that occupations drop off the list regularly, so retraining would be a big risk that the occupation would still be eligible. Then there is the points issue. The minimum is 65. But that doesn't gauruntee a visa. For example, for accountants at the moment, anything less than 75 would be worthless.
  3. As things stand today. But, do not underestimate how much immigration is changing. The system is getting constant reviews. Here are few of the just recent ones: The lists abolished and new lists brought in The 457 visa abolished and the 482 brought in Pathways to PR for many temp visa holders removed - until recently anyone regardless of list could potentially gain PR. Over 200 occupations removed Immigration is a very hot potato politically in Australia,Mitch the main political parties trying to outdo each other in making / promising cuts to it. The 482 (old 457) is particularly contentious. I have had to walk through crowds protesting my presence there as I was on a 457. I would say major further changes to make it much harder to get a 482 and for 482 to gain PR are inevitable.
  4. "If" the applicant still qualifies and the sponsor still qualifies. In which case though, in the absence of pr, they will still be returning at some point. Also, the Max is not necessarily what is granted. It can be from 1 day.
  5. We have a lot of ice, mainly just from the extreme low temps. I took this yesterday morning at 11am. It is a tree behind my garden. Not snow, just pure ice.
  6. It depends on the breed. Snub nosed dogs are higher risk so more issues in heat
  7. No. You can only submit one test. Have you considered doing one of the other tests instead of ilets as some people find them better. For points, you don't need the academic. So, you do the academic for Aphrodite, but can sit the general for points
  8. Just watching the news on BBC. It is a bit funny to us as the south have had a few cm of snow and it's been -1. Here, we have had 4 inches of snow on the ground all week. Wednesday night was -11, yesterday, we warmed up during the day to -4. It is -15 here now.
  9. We came home in 2016 and used Dogtainers who were fantastic. We also used Emirates and he had no issues. He was jet lagged for a few days, but soon back to normal. He loves life here as much as he did in Oz and has become a big fan of snow.
  10. If you look through the forum, you will see a number of migration agents who post and all are good. Costs vary by case as it costs some people more due either having a complex case or even things like transporting animals. Overall though, for the entire move (visas, flights etc), allow at least 30k. Yes, a de facto partner is included in your application and is granted a visa, assuming they pass the medicals and police check.
  11. Yes, you can do that. The visa has a right to come and go freely for five years after grant.
  12. I know and understand your thinking regarding visas longer term, but as someone that arrived on a temp visa along with about a dozen friends and was one of two who ended up with citizenship and waving the rest away when there visas expired, it is vitally important you accept the visa for what it is. At the moment, you are looking at at a temporary stay in Australia. Do not underestimate the changes the department makes on very regular basis. Immigration in Oz is as big a political issue as the UK, if not bigger - I have been met by crowds of union protesters at Perth airport protesting about temp visas. Over the years on the forum, I have seen many many people on temp visas suddenly find there path to any thing else removed. Let me give examples that have happened even recently. Age limit for PR cut from 50 to 45. Two hundred occupations removed. A large number banned from being able to app,y for PR from temp visas. The temp visa 457 abolished and replaced. The skilled lists abolished and replaced. That is just in the last 12 - 18 months.
  13. Agree with the above. The skilled lists change on a very regular basis. Immigration is as hot a topic politically as the UK / Europe and over 200 occupations have been removed and I expect a lot more culling yet. Do, what ever you want regardless of if it ever results in a visa.
  14. You can't include her in your visa. But, she could do a working holiday and given you are only going on a short term temp visa, might be a good option.
  15. A few things. Animals, the process takes a good six months and is a fair bit more than £2k each. Speak to Pet Air who will be able to provide an idea of costs. You should not assume you will be able to remain in Australia afterwards. In fact the opposite, you should assume you will be returning.
  16. Experience only is normally allowed for POST qualification. So, the experience you have now is worthless.
  17. It doesn't speed up the process, but can cause issues if there are delays in processing. Hence, I recommend you wait till requested.
  18. Just checking you understand you can not lodge an eoi until you have a positive skills assessment.
  19. Have you got a positive skills assessment?
  20. Auditor (and accountant) are roles that are some of the most likely to be removed and have been flagged for removal repeatedly. Already very difficult to get visas for either as both need very high points
  21. Yes. It's normal. You can avoid co contact and get direct grant by uploading pcc and medical ahead. There is no time benefit of front loading as they just sit there until the co would have requested them. At the same time, there can be major issues with doing so. For example, if there is a delay and grant is made almost a year after them, the dept do not care. The visa holders have to make first entry.
  22. That I think depends on the state. In recent times, QLD and WA have had redundancies and jobs are not easy to find anymore for permanent roles.
  23. Actually, the Australian government have announced (over a year ago) that it wants to see most medical occupations removed.
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