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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  2. The problem with REV's is they are much more personal than any other visa as the criteria is so broad. What exactly is "close ties"? Then add in that there has always been some discretion in the awarding, it means no two cases are likely to be even remotely similar. Hence, those of us who have been around a while often recommend using an agent.
  3. The best advice is to get specialist advice from an agent that specialises in visas with medical conditions such as George Lombard
  4. I would strongly recommend you take professional advice from a good migration agent as by working in a role that isn't what you were nominated for is pretty serious. In the eyes of the department, that may be visa fraud which could see your current visa cancelled and banned from future visas
  5. That the rules change making you ineligible for PR. There are rule changes all the time. Also, the occupation lists change regularly, so an occupation can be removed. In the last couple of changes, over 200 were removed.
  6. It is also important to know that they may never qualify in their own right. The rules and occupation lists change all the time
  7. I think you misunderstand the system. There is no automatic path from a 457 or a TSS to PR. You have to qualify for and meet the criteria for a totally separate visa. Most of which you can do now. The only difference working for an employer for a period of time does is remove the need for a skills assessment is going through an employer sponsored PR route. There are though massive risks of doing that. I would recommend you look at your options for applying for PR now.
  8. This visa has a processing time of about two years. You should wait until asked for the police check to obtain another.
  9. Yes, the tv should work as long as it hasn't been region limited. Worst case is you can buy a new smart tv fairly cheaply. I just bought one fully internet enabled smart tv for under £200.
  10. You would need to find a state willing to sponsor you and look at what is required for the skills assessment. A consultation with a good migration agent would certainly be a good idea
  11. You can't extend it. You would need to leave and apply for another visa from outside Australia
  12. I have lost 12 kg since moving back from Oz simply because I am outdoors more and excersing more. In Oz we lived next to the beach and the first couple of years we went a lot, but after that, pretty much never other than to walk the dog. Yesterday we were out walking a forest trail, day before a walk along a river, tomorrow, Falls of Clyde, Saturday will be Strathclyde Park as my wife is doing a Park Run there.
  13. You need to have held a visa for the entire period you are claiming time for. If the first 457 expired or was cancelled then you can not include it
  14. If they are earning a wage as part of their apprenticeship then it is unlikely they can be included in your application.
  15. The OP hasn't been on the forum for over a year. The advice would be the same. Speak to a specialist migration agent such as George Lombard
  16. An Rrv is only needed if the intend to leave the country after the five year point from grant of visa.
  17. No. The case officer, will contact you towards the end of processing to request them and do them then
  18. There is no such thing. You can use a metal detector, but will mainly find old nails and junk.
  19. I have seen student visas recently taking 12 months. All of the processing times are very erratic
  20. I would take some professional advice as you risk the 190. There is a principle you can only hold one visa at a time, so, if your 190 were granted then the student visa, the student visa will cancel the 190.
  21. Some things you should consider. 1. Some occupations still need a skills assessment for a temp visa 2. It isn't a quick route. It used to be, but these days can take many months 3. If a temp visa was granted after a PR visa is granted, it will cancel the PR visa 4. There are major differences of being in Oz on a temp visa compared to a PR visa. This affects everything from buying property, to kids education to spouses finding employment.
  22. I would strongly recommend you take professional advice from a good agent as these visas are complex with unique benefits and negatives. I would recommend Alan at Go Matilda.
  23. I recommend a chat with a good registered migration agent to see if there are any options. There are a number of good ones who post on here regularly.
  24. What visas were you considering / have read about?
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