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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. Here are the current processing times: With a character complication, I would expect yours to be on the high end, so plus 70 days. I would allow three months. Your husband will not be able to go first as all of the visas are granted at the same time. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/temporary-skill-shortage-482
  2. Cancellation is a wise move in this case. If you want a good agent, wrussel who originally posted is very highly regarded and his contact details are in his signature
  3. That is probably the worst time to arrive as companies stop recruiting much in December and January and even February is slow. Direct applications to companies are likely to be better as agencies rarely bother with people outside the country.
  4. It shouldn't prevent a grant, but it is certainly likely to slow things down. Five days for a visa is a dream. Average is a fair few months and yours is likely to be longer than that.
  5. It would be worth having a discussion with a registered migration agent to see what options you might have.
  6. As Pom Queen mentions, we use Dogtainers to fly our very nervous chihuahua who also has some medical issues. He arrived hungry - it had been decided he couldn't be fed due to his medical issues. He was jet lagged, but apart from that, fine. He flew Emirates via Dubai and landed at Heathrow where we collected him a few hours after landing. Dogtainers were great and even sent us pictures of him.
  7. Lots. Common ones such as they don't believe the business has a genuine need to sponsor. Refusals have increased significantly across all categories
  8. I would consult a registered migration agent urgently as your bridging visa will also be cancelled.
  9. I imagine it is because a lot of nominations are being refused
  10. The department looks at medical complications very much on a case by case basis and one person being successful in the similar situation is no guarantee of another. I would have urged you to seek professional advice from an expert migration agent such as George Lombard prior to lodging. All you can do now is wait.
  11. You should be ok for citizenship, so will be eligible for a British passport. Your husband just needs to renew his passport. Your kids are eligible by decent, so also just need to apply for passports. you will all be eligible for NHS as British citizens as soon as you arrive.
  12. Once you have your skills assessment, you can do an eoi for both. It doesn't cost anything and if you get an invite for the 190 in time you can lodge. You will need the academic level English test as part of your skills assessment.
  13. Points are very important now. Having enough for minimum isn't enough. At present she needs 75 to get an invite
  14. At the moment, you need 75 points for an invite. With 70, you are not likely to be invited until the new Aus financial year in July
  15. That should be ok, but she probably can't claim point s for experience gained prior to completing the pgce
  16. I recommend you speak to a good registered migration agent such as wrussel to see what pathways you may have.
  17. Do what you want to do regardless of visas. The occupation lists change regularly - at least every year and by the time you are in a position to apply, it is impossible to know if either, or any particular occupation will be available. Given it is several years, the chances are the entire criteria will be different than today.
  18. You apply for the 887 after you have spent two years living in the regional area and working for one year in the regional area AFTER your 489 is granted.
  19. I would recommend you do the English language test in order to boost points. At the moment, nobody is getting invited with 65 points.
  20. Unfortunately, the one golden rule is never take advice from immigration. I know it sounds odd, but they aren't qualified as the people you speak to on the phone are just call centre staff. Hence, they get a legal indemnity for bad advice. We see incredibly poor advice given by them. Hence, the official advice and one that the forum recommends is to speak to a registered migration agent Yes, people do, but they don't announce their intent as there is even a risk of them being turned back at the airport if immigration are not satisfied they are teeing as genuine tourists. Your husband and child being Australian will have no positive bearing.
  21. We used above cube and were very happy with it. The only surprising thing was how much it held. We thought we had calculated well, but could have fitted a lot more in.
  22. There is a very good chance they will refuse the 600 because you have stated you are not a tourist.
  23. What visa are you on now? Have you considered skilled migration rather than a temporary visa which only let's you stay for a short time?
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