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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. There are good agents out there and we do have a number that are who are members who regularly post on the forum. Do a search on here for wrussel
  2. I would have thought that this, along with a statement would be enough.
  3. It depends on what conditions the state have generally and on your particular occupation.
  4. It is only a moral obligation, however, if it was established that you never had an intent to stay in the state, that could give grounds for your visa to be cancelled
  5. It varies. You need to look at each state. Each state can be easier or harder for particular occupations and easier for others.
  6. Most backpackers look at things like bar work / restaurant work. Though if you are planning on doing the regional work to qualify for a second year, I would recommend considering doing it early.
  7. Allow 12 months for a 187, but it can depend on the employer
  8. You will be entitled to child benefit immediately, but anything else will require three months residence.
  9. Can you tell us more about your occupation and qualifications
  10. The problem is many of those who have a problem and get a rejection, never realised they had a problem.
  11. I spent a big chunk of last year in Whitley Bay and was amazed by it. The sea front has been totally refurbished and has a really good buzz about it. During summer the council hold free concerts in the park opposite the sea every weekend - not just little local bands, but big international acts. Newcastle is also doing incredibly well and has a boom feel about it with a huge amount of new investment.
  12. Will just add that you may be eligible for UK disability benefits after being back in the UK for six months
  13. You go back to your home country as most international students do
  14. Nothing. Australia is producing more mining graduates of its own than it has jobs for.
  15. But to consider the chance of post grad employment may be nil
  16. The advice given originally is still correct. You need to speak to a good migration agent that has a speciality in visas with medical issues such as George Lombard
  17. The same advice applies. Speak to a specialist agent such as George Lombard.
  18. You should certainly register with Medicare asap as insurance doesn't cover everything - even the very best won't and also there can be gaps between what the insurance pays and what you are charged and this can be a LOT of money. Also, a Medicare card is an important piece of ID that can be used for lots of things
  19. The TSS visa would be the only one that come to mind, but you would need an employer willing to sponsor. Your boyfriend can be included in your application. However, you need to be aware that partners of temporary visa holders can have issues finding employment and that the visa is tied to the job - so lose your job, you lose your visa. I am though assuming you and your boyfriend live together as man and wife? If not, then yes, his only option would be a working holiday visa
  20. With medical issues it is a case of one fails all fail. So, if you are rejected, then your wife will be as well. Costs for agents vary, they should be able to provide an estimate when you contact them
  21. People do though. People apply for remaining relative - 56 year wait. Or none contributory - 30 year wait
  22. Where there is a medical complication with visas it is always wise to get a professional opinion from a specialist migration agent such as George Lombard
  23. I would say the chances are close to nil. That would be if you completed the regional work, which from your post doesn't sound like you did. In fact, if you were to somehow land in Australia, there is a good chance of arrest. A large fine doesn't just go to debt collectors, it means a warrant will be issued for arrest.
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