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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. If he is working for an employer other than the employer that sponsored the visa and hasn't transferred the visa then he is in breach of his visa and this may have serious negative impacts on his ability to get any future visa including transferring the 457.
  2. Without paid experience I a. Not sure you will pass the skills assessment.
  3. A few comments Agents do not just fill forms in. They are experts in the legislation and their main role is to advise on options and ensure that applications are correct. Probably their biggest role is to ensure a person is applying correctly and for the most suitable visa. Hence why they undertake a fairly serious amount of training and must undertake ongoing professional development. It can actually be harder to become a MARA agent than a lawyer - and I am a lawyer. They actually are part of the process as MARA is one of the consultative bodies in migration policy and legislative change. The commissions report by the way may be accepted and acted upon, not acted on at all or bits accepted and acted on. Different parties have differing political objectives. Some, including the current government, like large scale migration as more people means business can keep costs down. Labour are more apt to tighten the rules. So, these things along with many others will dictate what if any of the commissions report turns into legislation. Also, if it requires legislation rather than ministerial change, then it could take years.
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum Australian visas work on occupations, though it is also a points based system. There are two lists of occupations known as SOL and CSOL. Ideally, one of your occupations is on the SOL as this makes things easier, if not, then you would need to check if any states are sponsoring for CSOL occupations. The starting point is here https://www.border.gov.au/ Here are the two lists https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Work/Skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists/SOL https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Work/Skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists/CSOL You will need to do a lot of reading It may be a good idea to speak to a good registered migration agent such as http://www.newlifedownunder.com.au/ Being a same sex couple has no impact
  5. I wouldn't hold your breath. In fact, I suspect if they do anything, they will cancel it.
  6. I don't think so. There was certainly lots of other people out having a ride :wink:
  7. Yorkshire and Norfolk are both great areas. If it were just between the two counties, I would chose Yorkshire. Amazing landscapes and some of the nicest and prettiest villages in the UK. Where as Norfolk while nice, is very flat. However, I would not chose Hull! If you can find a nice village to commute to Hull, then fine. Overall, I would probably go for Norfolk based on what you have said. Though as mentioned, not Thetford. Thetford is also a bit infamous for its rather naughty goings on. I worked in the area some years ago and we had a company night out with a minibus put on to take us all home at the end of the night. On the way, the driver announced he wanted to show us something we had never seen. He pulled into Thetford forest and there, were about 100 naked people having a mass orgy. Apparently its a regular occurrence. Though of course, this could be a major plus for some :wink:
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum. You can do the plan you suggest, however, you will of course be competing against Australian new graduates and regarded as a new grad yourself. This may make it harder to secure employment. Yes, primary is particularly over subscribed, but you should never rely on the SOL as an indicator of actual job availability. My own occupation is still on the CSOL despite our professional body repeatedly requesting its removal and the occupation having over 40% unemployment rate.
  9. But, at the end of the day, nobody is forcing you to move to Oz. I would also refute that trades have it easier. The route for licensed trades is extremely hard as the licensing usually requires a log book to be completed on the job for 12 months. But, during this time they can not work unsupervised, instead can only work as a trade assistant, but many find it very hard to get work as a trade assistant to complete their log books as companies want fully licensed staff.
  10. Thanks guys, these are exactly what I am looking for
  11. Thanks B, but I was hoping for something a bit more specific. A particular place I can look up on a map. For example, North Yorks, is huge, but I know a wonderful little woodland called Fairy Dell in Middlesbrough that is one of the most enchanting I have ever seen. That's the sort of place.
  12. it has a couple of nice pubs as well - took the dog to Hinds Head. But without a lotto win........
  13. We are going to be doing this now as we look for our long term place to stay, so if you know of any really nice Berkshire villages, please let me know.
  14. I was surprised myself. In fact, when my wife said she had seen it, I thought she was mistaken, then yesterday she got a picture while out walking the dog. She has now seen a couple of different ones - same time in different trees.
  15. We are enjoying get out and about and looking forward to seeing lots of the UK. So, it got me thinking. What is the interesting place / lovely place that is near you in the UK that most don't seem to know about? Here in Windsor, we have lots of people come to see the castle and things, but hardly any realise that a 5 minute walk from the castle there is one of the most picturesque parts of the Thames with stunning country side and loads of swans gliding down the river and even red squirrels.
  16. I have been on this and other forums for a good few years. In that time I have seen hundreds, maybe thousands of people get rejections with the loss of the fee and in many cases a ban from applying for a visa again. In pretty much every case, the person didn't know there was a problem - otherwise they would not have applied. In nearly every case, it could have been prevented by using a good agent. The Australian government passes literally thousands of amendments to immigration law every year. The immigration web site might publish 5. They work on the basis that it is the publics responsibility to seek professional advice and lack of knowledge of the law is of no interest.
  17. To be honest, if they have a option to be picky, then I can see them being. This occupation has fairly high unemployment in Australia at the moment
  18. They normally give a reason for a negative. What have they said?
  19. No, it doesn't mean your visa is approved. It means you have to supply extra documentation.
  20. Try not to stress about it, it will all just fall into place. We just made the move the other way - back to the UK - and went from sat in our house in Perth to being told we need to move back in 5 days. Seemed mad at the time, but we did it.
  21. Are you aware that there are significant issues with gaining PR after the age of 50? Most importantly is the minimum salary threshold. The main applicant will have had to earn a fairly high salary in order to be eligible. It will also require the employer to sponsor (be aware many first agree then change their minds) The minimum salary threshold is about $130k last time I looked, though that may have increased

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi Tony. </p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>Would love to. Send me a text for when suits you. I am busy Tuesday, but apart from that am free. My number is 0439061269. </p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>


    <p> </p>


  23. first, have you already applied for your working holiday visa? The issue if you have is that your permanent residence visa will now be cancelled as when one visa is granted, it cancels previous / existing visas. If not, then you would need a resident return visa as the travel section of a existing permanent resident visa expires after 5 years. It may though be difficult to obtain a resident return visa if you haven't been in Australia since you were 11. But, would be worth an attempt. Regarding jobs, it will depend a lot on which visa you end up on. If it is a resident return visa, then you would be in Australia as a permanent resident. So, have a reasonable chance. But, if the RRV is refused, it would be difficult to get trade work as employers know you can only work for them for 6 months.
  24. Be aware that rules and regulations change on a constant basis. So, what was applicable 4 years ago, may not be now. I would advise you speak to a specialist agent
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