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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. My wife's depression has got a lot better - I suspect she may have had SAD. But, it might have just cleared up and her lifestyle is very different - was working 70 hour weeks to keep us fed. I was more outdoor based in the UK than I am here - I lived in Sweden for a period at the beginning of this year (Kiruna) and found they were more outdoors than in Australia. I don't think the food has had any impact on health. I have always been a keen cook and that hasn't changed. I still get colds and sniffles and still have to get a flu jab every year. But I get hay fever here, which I had never had before Sunshine doesn't lift my mood. In fact when I see the forecast of 40c I get pretty miserable.
  2. I think I would certainly speak to an agent that specialises in visas with medical issues. George Lombard is well regarded in this area.
  3. Have you looked at what is required to pass the skills assessment and the post qualification experience?
  4. Yes, you need to establish you were a de facto couple in order to be included on another applicants visa. The length of time you need to have lived together will vary a bit by visa. Temporary 457 visas need to establish 6 months. For permanent visas 12 months
  5. Why not just pop into Bunnings and buy some new plugs and replace the UK ones
  6. you need 4 years at uni level / degree level. You our also need to look at jobs - they are very thin on the ground for primary school teachers and there are a significant number unemployed


    I have to agree. <br>I am dyslexic and did not even know until I was in my early 20's. But UK schools are now very geared to it and have a great set of procedures in place. <br>While in oz I have found it is woeful and even worse at university level. At uni level I have found it varies between no idea of what it is to "oh that". Compared to the UK where I was given a multi thousand grant for specialist equipment, a fibre optic line put between my home and the department, several thousand in software and a department that made massive changes for dyslexics. <br><br>
  8. There are a series of hoops they need to satisfy. Including a balance of family test - if you have brothers / sisters not in Australia. Then it is expensive - about $123k for two parents. They will also need to pass medicals.
  9. It looks to me that you only have experience since December 2013
  10. He can investigate if citizenship was obtained before he left. If not, then a RRV would be his only hope. But it would be a pretty slim hope. If that fails, then I can not see any visa option.
  11. You would be better starting your own thread than posting on threads that have not been active for a long time.
  12. I agree with flag. Stunning areas but pretty limited job wise.
  13. The salary is very low, but if you want an adventure then why not
  14. Its a small city in the far north. Make sure you get accomodation provided and a reasonably salary as it is VERY expensive to live - rents are often over $1000 a week
  15. I go Dubai to Perth every other month and sometimes they screen at the gate and sometimes they dont.
  16. Never had secondary screening in Oz. Though usually get it in Dubai - not always. Get in most African countries and in Dar es Salaam you cant even get in the airport till screened
  17. Hi Danny I can only comment on mining. It is hard for anyone to break into mining at the moment as there have in the last 12 months been a number of redundacies in the mining industry. So your chasing jobs up against people with experience. The issue is your visa. I believe you are on a WHV. This is a major problem. You can only work for an employer for 6 months. Inductions for mining companies can be a month. Training is then upto a couple of months. So, with only 3 months of actual work, it isnt worth it for them. There are also issues with mining in QLD. Most of the mining is coal and this requires very particular tickets, without which you can not enter a coal mine. Lastly, there are issues with being a plant operator. It isnt the same as the equipment used in mining - a face shovel might look like a normal loader, but a normal loader can be fitted into the bucket of a face shovel! The main industry job site is infomine.com and go to the careers section. Good look with your hunt.
  18. You would need FIRB approval (Foreign Investment Review Board). But that is just a formality. There are some restrictions, but there are many non residents that buy. I would recommend renting for a while though to see where you like
  19. There some threads discussing this in detail so I would search for them. However, ultimately you are going to need legal advice.

    HELP Needed

    Not come across this one before, but it doesnt surprise me as rights under the Fair Entitlements scheme are not the same as employment rights. Two different things entirely. You could have a initial consultation with a employment lawyer for not too much money who should be able to say if you have a case or not pretty much straight away
  21. Capsicum is a pepper Egg plant is an aubergine
  22. <p><p><a href="mailto:" rel="">Martin.morales@cevicheuk.com</a></p></p>

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