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Everything posted by nikci

  1. <p>Lol Debbie... yes Saturday and am up with the sparrows typical..one day of the week I can get a "lie in" and I am awake before the alarm... have to go out and do the shopping sadly they haven't invented someone to do it for me although Paul did offer and I shuddered at the thought of what would come back... tee hee!! How are things your side... do you think we will see you this year... I suspect not now but I hope you do make it over here it would be fabulous! Chat soon! Love to all the family... xxxx</p>

  2. <p>am bored ... nothing on the telly, asked Oh if he wanted to go to movies but he was tired .. otherwise how r u ..kissed any green frogs laterly.. just evicted Tarquin the Hunsman from the lounge....xx</p>

  3. <p>Hiya, this is going to be a bit of an odd question but just wondered is your name really Nik Kershaw .. I only ask because my next door neighbour (in the UK ) use to go out with his son? Hope you don't mind me asking. Nikci</p>

  4. <p>Hiya Debbie, sorry didn't see this message until Tuesday night... am about tonight no doubt if u want to catch up! xx</p>


    <p>Hiya Neil,</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> Haven't spoken in ages...hope all is good with you.. think we might have to arrange a PIO "chat reunion" one night... for a catch up! Hope u had a good New Year..</p>


  6. <p>Hiya Debbie, nope not up early; get up this time everyday as I have to take paul to the station am leaving in about 5 mins but I like to zip about and see whats happened since I have been in bed. Hope yr back is feeling better now because I saw that u have had a few "late" nights again! xxx</p>

  7. <p>Booooo... just wanted to fly by and say Merrrrryyyyyy Christmasssssss!! Hope you have a wonderful festive season! xxxx</p>

  8. <p>Booooooooooooooo... hope u r feeling a bit better this morning... just saw myself in the mirror and it was like a scene from Halloween not Crimbo... yikes!!! xxxxx</p>

  9. <p>Sorry Debbie didn;t see your message until now... hope all is good and the rain not flooding you out! How is the house selling going. xxx</p>

  10. <p>Thanks Sue.. am fine .. hope all is well in Brissy! xx</p>

  11. <p>Thought u were supposed to be cleaning before your vsitors got there....LMAO!!! xx</p>

  12. <p>Helllllooooooooo .... how r things.... r u feeling better and is there any movement on the house? xx</p>

  13. <p>Hiya Sue, dont see much of the old crowd on here these days... boy does it take me back!! lol!! Hope all is well with u !! xxxx</p>

  14. <p>Bloody Fantastic news ...you see I told you that you would get it soon!! God I hate being right all the time... lmao !!! HUGE CONGRATS have a fabulous day ..lots of love to you all! xxxx</p>


    <p>Hiya Debbie,</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> Hope all well now that you are back at school!! So I have my eye on the calendar and as I have said it wount be long now before you get your golden tickets.... mark my words!! Hope you get some joy on the house soon as we are all looking forward to you arriving in Oz no matter where you decide to live altho I reckon I will see you when I holiday in QLD!!! Big hugs to you all and a specialone for Sian! xxx</p>


  16. <p>Hiya Debbie , yes having a great day , went shopping needless to say and then when i got home all my young cousins were here playing pool in the games room and when they saw me started singing happy bday at the top of their voices... gotta love em! Off to dinner just now hope you have had a good day am going to scan the card that Claire sent so that u can see how rude she was..lol!! Thanks again for the pressie and the call this morning! xxx</p>

  17. <p>Hiya Kate, yes we are loving being in Oz, my mum arrives on Saturday for a month and I am so looking forward to seeing her! It really was the best move we ever made and now spring is here. WHen r u getting over here and how is little Harry? xxxx</p>


    <p>Hiya Debbie,</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> Was trying to catch u last night on skype and FB but alas I failed !! I wanted to say HUGE thank you for my bday card and pressie, how naughty are you but it was a fab surprise especially as I didn't recognise the writing... THANKS a trillion !!! Am going to try and catch u on skype later, after horse riding today! Hope work going well!! lots and lots of love, Nik xxxx</p>


  19. <p>Glad the med went well ... knew they would... never mind u having to be patient not sure Ican stand the suspense any more!!! Just getting ready to watch the Springboks play the Wallabies in the Tri Nations Rugby!! Photo going onto FB just now so watch out for it lol!! Didn't speak to claire but did send email. Have a great weekend!!! Lv nIk xxx</p>

  20. <p>Good luck with the meds! Have put some photos on FB including one of the "couch" but be warned they were taken before all the furniture was put in! xx</p>

  21. <p>Have only just heard about baby Harry.... huge congrats!! xxxx</p>

  22. <p>Hows the sun burn.... ?</p>

  23. <p>U got a CO yet..lmao!! Am off to bed in a minute it has been a very emotional day today and I am shattered, Olivia is backto school tomorrow and the container arrives so have a very busy day ahead. Hope you have had a fab weekend.... will catch up with u and Claire on skype this week!! xx</p>

  24. <p>Hiya Debbie, hope u had a good time at the meet. Was fab to meet up with Julie and we had a good old chat...u know me can talk the hind legs off a donkey..lmao!! xx</p>

  25. <p>Hiya Debbie, have sent you an email.. sorry haven't been in touch but been having a few problems with the internet.. someone cut the cable to the house when it was being renovated so it is needed a lot more attention than just flicking a switch otherwise would have been up and running already!! All is well here, we are loving it!!! HAve u got a CO yet? xxxxx</p>

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