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andyhus last won the day on May 4 2009

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    <p>Hey Andy</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Well ok, not great though. It was a kind of topsy turvey competition for her! She is really a platform diver and was expected to do well on that.....she had a complete disaster on it and instead of winning the comp - which she could have done she came second last. She was devastated. She got 4th on 3m springboard which wasn't bad, a bronze in the synchronised diving and a silver on 1m springboard. She is usually TERRIBLE on 1m and the idea of a medal never even entered her mind!!!! She was really happy with that result and we laugh about just how mad it was that she got silver. She dived brilliantly on that though and did deserve the placing. Second in the UK in her agegroup isn't too bad!!!!</p>

    <p> </p>




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