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About chickibabes

  • Birthday 12/09/1981

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    <p>Hi Danielle!!</p>

    <p>Sorry just seen your message... I have bot been on here for weeks. I haven't heard from my registration either, its getting on my nerves as today is the 90 day timeline they give you. I'm so annoyed!! We just moved in our new place in Caulfield. It's really nice and cozy. But still have got no furniture... And 4 days away from Xmas is not funny anymore... No furniture, money, job... God it's like torture!!!</p>

    <p>When did you send your papers to AHPRA? I'm going now to moan again.... For a change, it is what I have been doing lately all the time!!</p>

    <p>Have you got a job? I can't remember what I sent you in the message so I'm rather lost... Haha. Used to live in Manchester, not missing it a bit!!! Awful weather there....!!!</p>

    <p>Good luck with your papers and hope to keep in touch!</p>

    <p>Rafa x</p>


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