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Wellers and Whitehead

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Wellers and Whitehead last won the day on December 14 2013

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  1. <p><p>0452498876. I went to uni at brunel in London, come from Scarborough. worked in Leeds and Scarborough. Really miss the work..badly! I'm looking for hospital sw, as can't drive due to epilepsy, in UK they adapt the work, here that's a big no go, so the jobs that require driving (even if u MIGHT be required to work, I can't apply for, 98% of sw jobs! So looking at hospital sw. Had an interview but funding was pulled, altho they rang up Fri to say got funding was I still interested. Its a maternity cover but for in the door and all that.I think my friend worked at hamlet place..racheal ireton/married name gale</p></p>

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