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Wellers and Whitehead

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Everything posted by Wellers and Whitehead

  1. That at doesn't sound like the average adoption...it's normally a very well planned process..occurring over months...
  2. I'm really struggling with...I'll just pick the most appropriate age to have a child concept..and like magic it happens...it should happen when you find the right person..sometimes life doesn't just go to plan..
  3. Have you looked at job prospects for your skills, living in these areas??? If not I would do so..
  4. Yeh I was Cp/lac sw fir 5 years in UK, will pm u later. I'm in Sydney (apparently one if the better states fir Cp!!?? I will pm later.
  5. I can't nearly read your message as on phone and can't read it in the sun. Are you in the UK? Social worker? In Cp? Planning to emigrate? I will pm you later when I can see what i'm writing. :-)
  6. I may get slated for expressing my personal experiences but hey ho!! I don't regret move to Oz as its something I have worked towards for most of my life in one way or another..the thought of buying a house in the UK was not for me, as moving to Oz was all I ever wanted. So here we are, a year after moving to Oz and things that I never expected to be sooooo different are, for example my job (social work) it is soooo backwards its not even funny..ironic really as part of the reason I studied it was because it was on the jobs in demand list (plus having a genuine interest in the field). It would appear from working in Oz that people lack alot of common sense, professionalism....and on it goes! I could write a whole book on how not to practice social work just from my year working in Oz! So for me the job is a huge part of why I'm not settling. My Dad has recently visited and it is clear his health is deteriorating, we are a close family so thats always going to be a struggle. Money dissapears in a flash...you take $50 out of the cash machine (I think of it as a 20 pound note..you cant buy alot with it) and its gone before you know it. As I havent secured a perm job (mainly coz I cant drive and 95% of social work jobs say it is essential to do so..even if it does not reuire a license for the role!! Bizzare..doesnt make sense..if you dont need to drive why is it essential to have a drivers license??) im always wary on how much I spend just in case I am out of work the week after. I have always had a fulltime perm job with the stability of knowing each month in the UK knowing i had X amount going into my bank. I wanted out of the UK 'for a better life' in Oz where on previous holidays/whv I have had the most amazing times!! Living the dream does not exist in my opinion, and I am so looking forward to going back to the Uk for a 3 week hol in march..that will be the decider for me I think..stay or go??!! Living in Oz works better for some than it does others..depends on your job/if you can get work, if you have a close family............so many variables as to why it will or wont work..I wouls say give it a go..better to know one way or another....I wouldnt sell a house (if you have one) just in case...I know people that have lived here for years and didnt sell the house and will probably return to live in the UK at some point. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  7. <p><p>0452498876. I went to uni at brunel in London, come from Scarborough. worked in Leeds and Scarborough. Really miss the work..badly! I'm looking for hospital sw, as can't drive due to epilepsy, in UK they adapt the work, here that's a big no go, so the jobs that require driving (even if u MIGHT be required to work, I can't apply for, 98% of sw jobs! So looking at hospital sw. Had an interview but funding was pulled, altho they rang up Fri to say got funding was I still interested. Its a maternity cover but for in the door and all that.I think my friend worked at hamlet place..racheal ireton/married name gale</p></p>

  8. <p><p>Hi, I sent u a text so u have my number. Would so love to met up, be fab to speak to a Cp worker from UK. Aussies don't know any better, but they know the practice here is not right. Where its your job based?</p></p>

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