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Everything posted by newjez

  1. Australia has a very different situation to the UK. It really wasn't that hard to predict what was happening. Opening up pubs and then closing them weeks later? That must have been a killer. Encouraging people to eat out before our numbers were contained? These were school boy errors. Substantial meal? What was that all about?
  2. newjez

    Missing the UK

    I think you may be confusing PTS with PTSD.
  3. I think the greatest criticism from the Wetherspoon's chairman was the inconsistency of the rules, and the constant chopping and changing. If they had a roadmap laid down, businesses would be able to plan. We finally seem to have that. So let's stick to it and finally get this right.
  4. newjez

    Missing the UK

    It's possible you are suffering from PTS after everything you have been through. Have you tried talking with a therapist or your GP?
  5. My mum belonged to a craft group. You seem to get a lot of that sort of stuff in the hills in Perth. I remember there being a craft fair. There is a fantastic pottery shop in Guildford too, they get their stuff from local potters.
  6. Because, with the vaccine we have a chance of beating this for good. No more lockdowns. But only if we don't blow it.
  7. Sadly, and often unwittingly, we make these decisions when we decide to migrate. It is like a marriage. For better or worse, and like a marriage, when you are all starry eyed in that departure lounge, you may not be able to envision the worst.
  8. Lancelin, Moore river, busselton, Mandurah
  9. The two parties either agree on policy, or they wait till after the election and then hope all the pensioners either die or forget.
  10. I can't remember what I learnt to drive in. Some horrible little Datsun I think it was. My first car was a Volkswagen beetle. My father really pressured me into buying it. I think he thought if I owned a large powerful car I would be dangerous. He effectively put me in a death trap. I've seen what happens to beetles when hit by large Australian cars. Not pleasant. Best intentions I guess. Just lucky I never had an accident in it.
  11. I learnt to drive in Perth. It was simples. I can't imagine learning to drive in the UK. Especially a UK city. So busy.
  12. Because over the next ten years most cars will be electric or hybrid, which means if they are auto, then a manual license will become increasingly redundant.
  13. We want to welcome restrictions on our liberty? We want your liberty mate. We've been locked in for a year. We see deaths getting lower, we want your freedom and we don't want to jeopardize it by letting people jet off to variant hotspots and blowing it all. We want 'normal'. If that means holidaying in the UK, then I'm fine with that.
  14. Why isn't that in place now? People coming to the UK from the EU can ' isolate at home', which means they won't. Only red list need to stay in a government approved hotel. I mean come on, when are they going to start taking this seriously? We're almost there, and they could throw it all away.
  15. Post covid, I think we will be shocked at the number of politically sensitive changes.
  16. I really don't think the government have a national insurance shoe box put aside for each of us. That money has long gone.
  17. I expect the UK will have to follow this. People will moan, but at the end of the day there is only so much money left after covid.
  18. My wife had to do the written test to get her Australian license from her UK license. But that was twenty years ago.
  19. Aren't all electric cars automatic? Not sure about hybrids.
  20. So, if you sell all your assets and buy a really big house in Australia, you get a full Australian pension?
  21. When Australia does open their doors I imagine there will there will be a huge rush of anti vaxers heading for the vaccine centre.
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