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Everything posted by newjez

  1. Do you have any control over the date you are leaving? Are you thinking of going to university? It's been a long time since I've been at school in Australia, but I would have thought that you would want to go into year eleven. Also, when are you thinking of moving? School years in Australia begin in January.
  2. If you can't buy in the suburb you want, buy in the suburb next to the one that you want. I wouldn't do that in the UK. But you would be pretty safe to do that in Perth.
  3. Perth prices are rising faster than anywhere else in the country. Is it really a frenzy though Paul?
  4. Duncraig is a good school and a nice area. Most houses are 80s style, sunken lounge, arch doorways etc, and not as open plan. But they can be easily renovated.
  5. You can be homesick for a place or for people. But you will never know until you try it. You can't predict how you will react. I was in Fiji with my wife before we were married. Absolutely loved the place. Our flights were different, and she left before me. I was there for three days by myself and hated it. The people often make the place.
  6. Can't see the pic. Where do you live? They do like being in pools.
  7. Front loaders used to be very uncommon, but they are much more common now. If it's a decent one I would bring it, especially if you have the travel bolts. As for driers, my parents have one but rarely use it. Their washing line is under cover, so they can dry clothes outside in winter or summer.
  8. The effect of brexit on the pound isn't a psychological phenomenon. The pound won't just go up because people forget about brexit. The pound will go up if the UK starts raising interest rates. That could happen. But is far from guaranteed. If I had to bet whether Australia would recover from covid faster than the UK can recover from covid and brexit, it will be Australia that gets my money. Longer term is anyone's guess. But short term there is a good chance you would lose.
  9. newjez

    huntsman spider

    They can hide behind sun visors. That's a shock. Had one on my speedometer once. Bit scary.
  10. newjez

    huntsman spider

    No you should not! They will not do you any harm. Well, not unless you are silly enough to pick one up. I find Tupperware containers with a piece of paper slid under them is easiest for removal. Or if desperate, they may survive the vacuum cleaner.
  11. Most governments seem to be actively kindling inflation to lower their debt. We don't know if that will be successful, but it could cause interest rates to spike. If anyone is buying, I would lock in low rates for as long as you can.
  12. I have a different question along with the same lines. If you are resident in Australia and drawing from a UK pension, how much can you draw before you pay tax? Also, I'm assuming that the amount you draw would affect Australian state pension? I'm assuming that if you are resident in Australia, you would pay no tax on UK pension withdrawal to the UK inland revenue? Also, if you are drawing a UK private pension, can you still contribute to sups if you were working in Australia? .
  13. A lot of it will depend on luck and how much money you shift with you. If you sell your UK home and shift a lot of cash, there are a lot of variables such as house prices and exchange rates that will move for or against you. If you leave your ppor in the UK, and sell the rental you would be hedging your bets. I wouldn't want to rent in Australia for four years, but it could be the safest option if you are definitely planning on returning. It is really hard to make a rental 'home'.
  14. I scalded my hand yesterday. Silly thing. Cup stuck to the surface as I tried to lift it, then it came away and boiling water went flying over my hand. I know, I know. What was I thinking making a cup of coffee during a pandemic. Cold water from now on.
  15. I went down on my ankle last week. Manhole cover where the bitumen in the path had dropped. Fortunately I had walking boots on which helped, and I went with it so as not to stress the ankle. No damage done, but I could have broken or sprained my ankle. Reason for the trip? Needed to pick up a prescription.
  16. I need to do this for my youngest. When I did it for my eldest two I just walked into the centre in Perth and filled in the forms. Can I do that again? I'm UK based but will be visiting when covid is finished, probably with my youngest.
  17. It's covid and winter. The NHS is always under pressure during winter. It is its weakest point.
  18. Taking his dog for a walk I think. You can't lock people inside 24*7 Paul. It's not good for their mental health.
  19. My cousin's husband is going to die waiting for a cancer operation. He is not going to die because of lockdown. He is going to die because the hospitals are full because they didn't lockdown. There was an old man who slipped on ice and broke his leg in my village on the weekend. The ambulance never came. They waited several hours. In the end they had to drive him to hospital. That wasn't caused by lockdown. I spoke to my mother in Perth on the weekend, and she has no concept of what it is like here. That is a good thing. At least I know she is safe. The vaccines will bring normality. But the UK is in for several months of pain until then.
  20. It's a shame the OP hadn't thought about it before brexit. Do you have right of abode for any of these countries op? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://news.bitcoin.com/eight-countries-that-dont-tax-your-bitcoin-gains/&ved=2ahUKEwj74_uFsZDuAhVxxYUKHYdJCtAQFjAMegQIFhAB&usg=AOvVaw12iEhF2748WRiCX33aryrU&cshid=1610248240154
  21. newjez

    Life in Canberra

    I have thought about doing a short contract in Canberra when my youngest is doing his A levels. It would be a good way to see the east of the country, and my IT skills are in demand in Canberra. I remember visiting it as a child. It's like the Australian Switzerland.
  22. If you transferred the coins to a company, wouldn't they be deemed as sold and subject to tax? I understand there may have been advantages to doing that previously, but hasn't the horse bolted?
  23. I'll have a 90 minute commute if I ever get back in the office. But our bosses have already told us we'll only be going in once or twice a week.
  24. I played soccer in Sydney when I was a kid. I don't ever remember it being cold. We had oranges at half time.
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