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Everything posted by newjez

  1. newjez

    Hearing aids

    What? (Sorry, couldn't resist) I should probably see if I can get them as I've always had some hearing loss in my right ear. I know with glasses, I can pay £500, or £150 on the internet UK made, or less made in china. I imagine the same with hearing aids.
  2. newjez

    Hearing aids

    Don't you get them free in Australia? My MIL got them free on the NHS. Only took three months from the first consultation. Did you try Medicare?
  3. Who brought up the skinny dipping anyway? You just mentioned swimming - you didn't mention skinny dipping. Not judging - done it myself from time to time. Just wondering where he got that from.
  4. I wouldn't ask your husband to intervene - tempting as that is. How confident are you is my question? Australians don't get subtlety. If you are going to respond it has to be loud, decisive and obvious. Next time he says it, I would reply, in a very loud voice, "You're not one of those sexual deviants are you George? I've heard about them, but I've never seen one before, although I've heard they hand around in the sand dunes. Just in case you were wondering, if I was going to have an extra marital affair, it wouldn't be with an old ugly fucker like you" Take it as far as you feel confident, but the brasher the better. Or - report it if you don't feel confident handling it yourself.
  5. I would bluff it out. I would have thought they should be suing their solicitor/settlement agent. But I'm not an expert.
  6. I take it this was an Australian sale? The document listing what is staying etc is standard in the UK, and they wouldn't have missed it. I can't believe they didn't ask for it in Oz. How did they complete without it? Why didn't you leave the oven if it was broken? Was the dish washer integral or free standing?
  7. My youngest just missed six months schooling due to illness (kidney failure). He was 12 turning thirteen. It's been hard work, but he is 14 now and has fully caught up. As long as you have a good understanding school, and possibly get some tutoring, (we didn't), you should be fine.
  8. It really depends on what is happening to house prices in rocky ATM.
  9. Just to settle an argument with the wife, would you guys say Tassie is better than NZ? She wants to retire in NZ after watching 800 words and seeing the NZ PM. I reckon Tassie would be closer to civilization.
  10. They could stop you from boarding. They will know you are Australian citizrns. Don't know how, but I can't get evisas for my kids, because the system knows they are Australian. I guess you take your chances, and hope you don't get a jobsworth.
  11. It is very common in Australia, and there are many advantages. I believe Marisa is very experienced with the pros and cons. Hopefully she will be along soon.
  12. How long have you been away from the UK? You may find the NHS isn't what it was.
  13. It would be better for your fiance to get citizenship from her father. Very simple if she has father's passport or birth certificate. You should also be very simple assuming you can prove your relationship. But I can't see you getting any unemployment benefits for a few years. I would Google both government websites.
  14. We did it that way, but we were covered by a spouse visa. You might get asked awkward questions at immigration if you have one way tickets. Assuming you get in the country ok, getting citizenship was fairly straightforward. But you can also apply from the UK.
  15. newjez

    Mosquito bites

    You probably want to get rid of any standing water.
  16. newjez

    Mosquito bites

    New Zealand sand flies are worse. They hover around you until they find a bit of skin you have missed. They even go under your clothes. I've seen terrible reactions to those.
  17. newjez

    Mosquito bites

    My wife was told that she really needs to avoid being bitten as the reaction will get worse. Me, the little blighters either don't bite me or I don't react. If you don't like putting repellent on you, you can just spray it on your clothes. Deet will harm the clothes eventually, but Australian clothes don't last long anyway.
  18. newjez

    Flu Shots

    I do use tea tree oil on my toenail as it has a fungal infection. I used the regular medication but it did nothing. The tea tree oil also does nothing but it is a lot cheaper.
  19. I know a lot of Australians who popped over to the UK to work in my youth. You could work for a couple of years and put a serious dent in your mortgage. But that was pre GFC and pre Brexit when the pound was worth something. We are struggling to attract Europeans now. But I think a lot of bright young poms would travel to Australia. Whether they would come back or not is the question.
  20. newjez

    Flu Shots

    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/feb/06/herbal-medicines-can-have-dangerous-side-effects-research-reveals&ved=2ahUKEwjIrpCtydnkAhUsUhUIHQcnCp8QFjACegQIEBAK&usg=AOvVaw07XinoFqdiVl3lfRrdD7EQ&ampcf=1 Your choice as you say.
  21. People often view the UK with rose colored glasses. It is what it is, as is Australia. You could wait till you go through winter to decide. But I can't see your mood improving. But at least you will know for sure. You need to have a good think and decide where you want to be.
  22. newjez

    Flu Shots

    I'm sure it is, but side effects are an individual thing. Just because something is herbal, doesn't imply it is safer or weaker. Many pharmaceutical medicines are based on herbal medicines. If you take anything there is a risk. Making it herbal will not mitigate the risk. As I have said, pharmaceutical companies are profit making and don't always have your best interests at heart. But herbal medicines are no different. It's all about making money.
  23. Can you take them apart and flat pack them? What do you mean by dressers? Most modern Australian homes have built in storage.
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