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Everything posted by newjez

  1. Have you not been paying into a UK pension scheme?
  2. Superannuation is just like a contribution pension scheme in the UK. Both countries have government pensions. I didn't think the Australian required ten years, I thought you just needed to be resident and a citizen. The UK government one will depend on how long you have worked. Not an expert, but I'm sure one will be along.
  3. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.livingin-australia.com/sunshine-hours-australia/&ved=2ahUKEwjQgpyNtrjjAhWNN8AKHYz7CioQFjAEegQIEhAI&usg=AOvVaw1D40BlzMkmnEh8p7Tijjw4 They are very different cities. Both are in the middle of a housing correction, but Perth will be cheaper. If your work is seasonal, or likely to run out, there aren't many other options if you are looking for a job in Perth. Perth is a pretty city, but many would say it doesn't have the substance of Melbourne. Are you happy in Melbourne?
  4. I don't understand why you need a payment plan? They just take it out of your tax?
  5. They may sort it out when you do your tax return.
  6. Farmers are never happy Paul.
  7. When you say not dangerous, I spotted one on my dashboard whilst doing 80 in traffic. That was pretty damned distracting. Good argument for a new car with better seals.
  8. It's not the weather. If you wear the right gear in the UK, it's often more comfortable exercising than in Australia. Even sub zero. It's the lack of light that kills it.
  9. You might struggle to sell your house in Perth. My sister has had hers on the market for a year.
  10. What don't you like? It can help to vent your spleen.
  11. Been here a while on the website or in Australia?
  12. My company uses https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Prism&ved=2ahUKEwjz36PD4-ziAhVyThUIHRecDCAQFjARegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw0svc14EHyDivW1angnWuY9&cshid=1560646162721 I'm not that involved in it, but I'd like to be as it seems to be a growth industry.
  13. I think AI and robotics are very different things. We are replacing lots of people with robotics software. A computer doesn't need to be logical, it just needs rules. Doesn't matter how complicated tax rules are, you can always cover every eventuality. Data entry, even when human input is required can be replaced by robotics. When you 'chat' with someone online, when you seek help on a website, you quite often aren't talking with a person. Not initially anyway. The replies in an early conversation are very predictable. But as you say, AI takes that a step further, where behaviour is modified depending on outcomes. I would guess robotics is much more advanced than AI.
  14. Hi Marisa, am I correct in that superannuation can be inherited? If they convert to a pension, wouldn't their offspring lose that inheritance should they both die? Could they not just bleed small amounts to keep under UK tax thresholds?
  15. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/announcement&ved=2ahUKEwi95rKMgN3iAhU4RxUIHfh-AykQFjABegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw2y_tAGq0UYLIRPmihrqCTi It's not an uncommon word.
  16. newjez

    D Day Landings

    Looks like a re run of Gallipoli. Italy certainly wasn't an easy campaign. Without it, the battle for France would have been much harder. I remember reading spike Milligan's diaries on the Italian campaign. Very interesting read.
  17. newjez

    D Day Landings

    I do think Italy gets overlooked though.
  18. Is this a good idea? I sort of agree, but it scares me a little. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48464510
  19. There's a certain crowd that considers it a victory when a pom returns to the UK. I don't understand it. But it floats their boat.
  20. Quite a lot. Many nations have a very different view of smoking than we have in the UK or in Australia.
  21. newjez


    Parley likes him.
  22. newjez


    I guess you have to appreciate that until relatively recently, travel was very expensive in Australia, whereas it has been pretty cheap in the UK for the last thirty odd years.
  23. If you can afford applecross it's a nice area. Bike paths along the river. You could probably ride it as fast as any other mode of transport.
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