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Everything posted by newjez

  1. Perth's good because when you do actually die, it doesn't come as such a shock.
  2. Is it a joint account? If not, isn't she committing a crime by logging onto your account?
  3. I don't think relationships with Perth people are necessarily shallow, although many people experience that. Maybe more to you not having history with them. In the UK most of my friendships are superficial. My best friend is my wife, and I haven't had a best friend since leaving Perth. Do you mix mainly with Australians or expat Brits?
  4. There was been talk over the last hundred years of building a canal from the sea to keep lake Eyre permanently full. There would be benefits, and Australians are good at big projects. Might be necessary one day with climate change.
  5. I don't think people are saying Perth house prices were cheap ten years ago.
  6. Time to build that inland sea. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://larryhannigan.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/14-lake-eyre.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwje0u2luODhAhUUTBUIHRbeBXoQFjABegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw3UQrIoTdH0yjJKzAyDQpDQ
  7. The banks lending practices are certainly questionable.
  8. My nephew bought a dump 6km from the Perth CBD ten years ago. He rented rooms to FIFO and lived in a 'shed' out the back. Quite nice shed actually. Small but nicely done. Now mortgage is paid off, he is looking at knocking it down and rebuilding. He works two jobs. One pays well, the other doesn't but he loves it. He has done really well for himself. Taking reasonable risks. Not over stretching.
  9. There is no limit, look at Perth to Kalgoorlie, but they is a cost that may make it unfeasible.
  10. newjez

    Flu Shots

    The pneumonia jab knocked seven bells out of me. I was really very sick for a couple of weeks after. Upside is that I haven't had pneumonia since. I do often get side effects from the flu jab. I think that is just your body mounting a defence. Haven't had the shingles jab, but I still have the scars from when I got shingles fifteen years ago. Worse pain I've ever had. Off work for a month and I was self employed at the time.
  11. The world is not going to end. But there are times you should take risks and times you shouldn't.
  12. What housing shortage? They are still building in Perth in the worst market I have ever seen. First buyers grant on new properties has a lot to answer for.
  13. They can bite if provoked, so I would be careful with it. They are also quite fast. Doesn't look like a funnel web, which is the one to watch out for. But I would treat all spiders with respect.
  14. https://www.corelogic.com.au/research/daily-indices When last quarters falls annualized are at a higher rate than the yearly falls, I think you would be hard pressed to say that the property market is stabilizing. I would wait till the last quarters falls annualized are less than the years falls, then take your time looking to establish fair value, then start making low ball offers. But each to their own. Some like to catch falling knives. As Marisa says, if the pound picks up while you are in Oz, the fx could be a killer. Might be better to wait till after brexit, although god only knows when that could be.
  15. Do you plan on going back to live in Australia? If you did, you could claim the pension. You may be able to leave after getting it. But you would need to prove residency. A holiday wouldn't count. The expense may not be worth it unless you are considering staying there.
  16. Are you sure about that? I thought it depends on citizenship?
  17. Not a vegan myself but, surely they have a right to protest? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-47848674 Thought the PM's response was a bit lame
  18. Some of those moves are legal and acceptable in Perth.
  19. I put my heavy coat away a week too early methinks.
  20. I didn't make it to Perth this year due to renovations on the house. Don't mind the cold. It wasn't that cold, and I take the train so I am out in it. But I miss the sun, and it affects my health. But it did shine warm the other day, and I did spend a couple of hours in the garden in a t shirt.
  21. Got a call from my son's consultant last week. Apparently he was meant to be seen in January, but he got 'lost' in the system. Again. Fortunately everything was ok. But it would have been the same if it wasn't. Bless the NHS. Some of the best and most advanced medical staff in the world, but third world administration sadly. I guess it was all those comments ten years ago about too many administrators and not enough doctors. Now they don't have sufficient administration to let you see the doctors.
  22. I remember having a conversation with the local Coles manager about how they put the parent child parking on a slope on a hill, and had no brakes on the trolley. I even demonstrated the problem. He suggested I put a half brick in the car. He just looked lost when I told him UK trolleys had brakes. I guess you can't tell customers to f off back to where you came from.
  23. It would be faster to cook a meal than microwave five ready meals.
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