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Everything posted by newjez

  1. You probably didn't get to that stage at high school, but you do seem to be good at self learning, so have a Google of mean, median and mode.
  2. It is a shame. But it's less of a shame than other countries.
  3. My mum has one, but she hardly uses it. Her line is under cover. It's only used in the middle of winter.
  4. Have you ever played monopoly? You don't end up with the median wealth of Australia. You are cheering socialism.
  5. It is really good news. Didn't take you for a socialist though parley? Good to have you aboard. Let's redistribute that wealth!
  6. If you are going significantly over £1000 - then I would have a good look at the UK first, and try and compare brands. My father often spends £5000 on a bike, and he swears the UK is cheaper. Sub £1000, I wouldn't bother, as you could get a sale in either country that would offset any advantage. You also need to consider warranty etc - but I would have thought they would be international. Not sure if Bike Force is national - but they are big in WA and look very similar to Evans Cycles. Saying that - there are some good websites that offer very cheap stuff from Asia - but it may be counterfeit - so be careful.
  7. I would hope that they would look favourably on you as well if you come forward on your own accord.
  8. Would the time she has been on Centrelink be a mitigating factor as well? I'm assuming she only need declare the rent as income first after deductions such as mortgage repairs etc. Hence why I suggested she see an accountant first to determine how much she has defrauded Centrelink. Capital gains in the UK may be significant depending on where she lived. House prices have doubled in that time, although exchange rates have dropped. She would need professional advice as to which country she should be resident in when she sells to max her advantage. She could loses a sizable amount of money if she gets this wrong.
  9. From an Australian tax point of view she may be ok as you say, but she may owe UK income tax. A letting agency should have withheld this, but she may not have used one. There may also be capital gains considerations in both countries. But I think she needs to seek professional help to assess and mitigate her situation.
  10. You probably want to see an accountant. It might not be as bad as you think.
  11. Ours has since retired. I did have a mate at my son's cricket club who was a broker, but my son stopped playing, and I don't have his details. Google is your friend unless others can advise.
  12. I would suggest going via a broker. I used one when contracting. You should be able to Google hundreds, and you may be able to set much of it up via email.
  13. Do you have equity in your Australian home you could withdraw? The pound is pretty weak, and may weaken further with brexit. Could you extract the money from your Australian home and use it to buy one in the UK?
  14. Tastes more like ketchup and vinegar.
  15. Disgusting. Can't stand the things. Must be a British thing. Tastes nothing like a prawn cocktail.
  16. Well - that's is how British people think. But in reality it's just another tax. I really doubt that they put any of that NI money to one side. Or if they don't have enough NI money - they stop paying pensions. It's all tax.
  17. I re did my loft insulation with celotex, and I've slept through the UK winter with nothing more than a sheet on. Keeps the house so warm. Not sure what summer will be like. Hoping it will Keep us cool as well.
  18. The whole year is the time for long walks and cycle rides. The weather just determines where you go and how long for.
  19. All together now, "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I cut down wood..."
  20. Bussselton is a bit closer to Perth and growing rapidly.
  21. Never lived there, but holidayed there, and Esperance. They seem like nice quiet country towns. A bit less boozy and rowdy than the northern towns.
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