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Everything posted by newjez

  1. You do understand the irony of this post?
  2. True but this ,is,nissan,telling,the,govt,or,agreeing,with,the,govt,on,how,they,wish,them,to,proceed,in,the,negotiations. If ,the,eu,dont,let,us,join,the,single,market,then,nissan,can,throw,their,toys,out,of,the,pram. Can,they,stop,us,being,an,eea,member? That's up to the lawyers. But why would they? It's their best solution as it is ours. The only sticking point is immigration. They will just have to give it the Humphrey treatment. Nissan haven't spent anything yet, and a condition maybe that they are kept in the loop in all negotiations. Sorry about the commas, it wouldn't let me put in spaces.
  3. "Nissan was going to make this decision in early 2017 but appeared to have have pulled forward the decision to maximise leverage on the government in the wake of the Brexit vote and uncertainty over the future of the UK's trading relationship with the EU. The government knew that it couldn't afford to lose this investment." From the telegraph. I'm assuming the government made reassurances to stay in the single market, and Nissan brought forward the decision to cement those reassurances. Now, it the government strays from the single market, Nissan can turn the knife. It is one thing to make vague threats. It is something else when those threats are on the table and have substance. May has promised the single market. This is Nissan's gun to her head to make sure she keeps that promise. The markets won't fully reaction until Nissan puts some money down. Words can be revoked if there is justification to do so. Even so, this is positive.
  4. Brilliant news. Concessions being, we are staying in the single market come what may. I don't think we could hope for a better outcome from all this mess. There are a few in ukip of the Tories who hate Europe who may not be happy. And those who hate immigrants may be a little put out. But this is a huge victory for common sense.
  5. I was agreeing with you by the way I think in many schools it would be hard to move into year 11. It would be easier to repeat year 10 if it can be done.
  6. My eldest already has a GCSE in science after completing year 10. My middle child will get one in science and English when he finishes year 10 this year.
  7. It is important, so would it be possible to get a professional opinion? I've reported my post and asked if this can be arranged.
  8. Many houses in the UK and Australia are easily worth over a million dollars. But looking at the links it doesn't look like it's hard to avoid the tax. Probably worth talking to accountant if you are dealing with that sort of money as the implications of getting it wrong could be quite expensive.
  9. So you want to spread your money around in different foreign accounts making sure each is less than 250,000 dollars? You would probably do this anyway to gain capital protection should the bank go under.
  10. If you leave the UK for Australia, but leave a large pot of cash in the bank for five years, then bring it to Australia at a profit, that is deemed exactly the same as if someone living in Australia had moved an equal sum to the UK when you moved to Australia, and then shipped it back the same time you did. I don't know the rules on taxation. But from an accounting point of view it would be a currency gain. I think it needs to be a significant amount to interest the ato. But I'm not sure if you have to make a significant gain, or whether it's just the principal that matters. I'm not an accountant or a tax expert. But I do remember reading threads on this in the past. There is a good link here. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/money-finance/178320-exchange-rate-movements-capital-gains-tax.html
  11. Isn't there a section on the Australian tax return for currency gains and losses?
  12. Good question. What if your UK house increased by 20%, but the pound dropped 20% within a year? In the UK you would have a capital gain, but in Australia you would be neutral. Definitely one for an international tax expert.
  13. Are you sure? I thought currency gains were taxed similar to capital gains?
  14. Can't see any restrictions under money and finance? Has the thread been moved? First question is, assuming brexit takes many years to unfold, how long are you prepared to wait? Five years? You say the exchange rate is terrible, but if you look at the history there are times when it has been much worse. We may look back to the glory days of 2016 when the pound was so high. Depending on where you are moving, Australian house prices have generally increased and are still doing so. Predicting a time to move your money is a very difficult thing. True, when it is at one of the extremes, you know it will come back eventually. But no one can know when, and at the moment, no one can know the direction. You are better tosing a coin. And yes, there are tax on currency gains to consider on top of that.
  15. I imagine like any holiday destination, there are tourist rates and local rates for everything.
  16. I've only ever driven through Yorkshire , but I've lived in Norwich and had holidays in Suffolk. Both have some lovely spots. I have friends who live in York and swear by it. Probably warmer the further south you are located. Not a bad choice to have to make. Can you explore before you have to choose?
  17. Sometimes I drive home via amberley rather than through Arundel. On a day like the last couple of days, it always takes my breath away and reminds me why I'm living in the UK.
  18. newjez


    I used to suffer as a teenager young adult. Even had a full blown breakdown in my thirties. Haven't had a problem with it for ages now. Not sure why. Maybe my age?
  19. I've seen a few mainframe jobs in Perth. One with hbf. Anyone know who the others are with?
  20. newjez


    To be honest we didn't get a lot of help in the UK. Extra time was a god send. But we paid for tutors ourselves. There was some remedial work done, but they didn't seem to differentiate between dyslexic kids and dysfunctional kids.
  21. I do wish that after a certain period of time, say 15 years of marriage they would just give your spouse citizenship. She deserves it and a medal for putting up with me for all this time.
  22. What do you do for a living Maryrose? Patriotism is good, but nationalism is taking it a bit far. I had hoped they would have gotten over the pommie bashing by now. I have had one instance of Aussie bashing, but I put that to bed pretty quickly. They have started doing home opens over in the UK. But some people have yet to understand that in order to sell your house you have to let people see it. It's making me homesick all these Aussies going home.
  23. Had no trouble going back to the UK. But they only allow one litre of spirits.
  24. Does anyone know which companies still use mainframes in Perth? I see the odd advert - but I get no bites. I'm really only interested in finding the companies so I can book mark them for a later date (although an offer would tempt me) I work mainly on supporting multi layered stuff, web clients that talk to unix, mainframes etc. asp.net, C#, sql server, unix, mainframe, cobol db2. I specialize in tracing bugs through multiple platforms.
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