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Everything posted by newjez

  1. My mistake, I think it was 4 in 4 million. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://globalnews.ca/news/7835443/astrazeneca-vaccine-blood-clot-second-dose/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjmk9zIntXwAhVF5uAKHajkB84QFjAJegQIExAC&usg=AOvVaw2-Imq-lqzBQ7h_wHmgjaOa&ampcf=1 But if you compare that with antibiotics? All medicines carry risk. It's just that the covid vaccine risk has been blown up by the press https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/17/health/research/popular-antibiotic-may-raise-risk-of-sudden-death.html&ved=2ahUKEwjnnaL2oNXwAhUKnxQKHXCDATcQFjARegQICxAC&usg=AOvVaw0clbI4Wnz9uBGUJZZTNgH4
  2. Would you have them treating people in a tent recording with chalk and blackboards? You're at risk of becoming a Victor meldrew Paul. A&E suffer from the same problem as many organisations that they need to cover a peak which is much higher than their low. If we cut down on alcohol consumption we would have a better A&E service.
  3. My wife came up with a budget for our retirement. It includes lots of expensive things, like three big holidays a year etc. I cut all of that out. Apart from Florida I've never enjoyed a holiday. The states are out now because the insurance is so high. Asia too is pretty expensive. If you have had cancer they really jack up the price. Europe is probably out of the question too post brexit. I've been everywhere I want to go anyway. No, I'm a pretty cheap date these days. I just need walking clothes, a sub £500 bike every five years and a yearly pair of running shoes, a few bags of compost and I'm happy.
  4. I nearly did that. We have these really sharp knives, and it would have done some serious damage. Question, do you leave the blade in or take it out in that situation?
  5. Usually you wait for half an hour. Then you get seen by someone who asks you the details and assesses the problem. They may take your blood pressure etc. Then you either go back to your chair or go through to a bed if you are lucky, and wait for hours. Technically, you were seen within an hour of arrival and they have met the target. It's all games. Not saying you shouldn't be assessed. That is important. But deliberately trying to get around targets is misleading. It's like that Welsh ambulance service that couldn't meet their pick up targets. They changed the way they measure them. That doesn't actually help anyone.
  6. But your son is a different situation. My parents in Australia are unsure whether to get the AZ. My mum is very vulnerable, but there is no covid there. It's their call. But if your son is a care worker he has a responsibility to be vaccinated. Now his choice is to mix vaccines or have a second dose of AZ. Or change jobs. What are the risks of mixing vaccines?
  7. There is a chance of death from all medicines. Even ibuprofen and paracetamol will increase your chances of death over a period. Have you or your kids ever taken antibiotics? Did you do extensive research on the chance of death from taking them? There's a massive chance of death when you drive your car. Eat your foot, go down the stairs. Taking a second dose of AZ doesn't even register.
  8. Tax hikes and interest rates are ways of dealing with inflation. They both cause people to spend less in different ways. But if you think they take your tax dollars and use them to 'pay off the debt', then you are crazy.
  9. This is the thing isn't it though. Seen by, isn't the same as dealt with. You can be assessed not long after arrival, and then go into the next queue. You can be seen shortly after arrival, but then spend hours on a bed waiting to be treated. I would much prefer them to measure the time between arrival and discharge/admittance.
  10. You probably haven't been to an ED in the UK then since austerity. There has been a noticeable increase in wait times. Although when my son fell off his bike and hit his head they saw him immediately. It does depend on your need and not when you arrived. A lot of people at A&E probably don't need to be there. If you want a really good experience go to A&E in any major hospital on a Friday or Saturday night. Quite unbelievable view of the human race.
  11. When we put our sofa in, we popped the window. It's pretty easy to do, and doesn't cost much to get someone to do it. But it depends how high up you are. Have you looked at taking everything off the sofa that you can? Arms, legs. Some of the four seaters break in half. But I'm not sure of three seaters. Did you see them put the sofa in? Do you remember how they did it. We sold our sofa with the house, and I guess to this day they are wondering how it got in there.
  12. 4 out of thirty million with no deaths. Seriously?
  13. Countries don't get old and retire. But there is a limit to what government can spend, and that limit is inflation. As we are finding out now, it is possible that the world spent too much on covid. If we are facing inflation that will mean raising interest rates. If that causes stagflation then we are stuffed. A government can't spend their way out of stagflation.
  14. No that's not what I said. Go back and read what I said.
  15. Why wasn't turkey on the red list too? This is a ridiculous situation.
  16. Much cheaper to get a vaccine.
  17. Not only welfare, but the liberals/conservative governments prefer small governments. So they like to reduce expenditure. That and constant government spending as the economy recovers will compete against private spending and will cause inflation. Too much inflation is bad. The austerity by George Osborne after the GFC was completely unnecessary and set the UK back economically from the USA. We should have spent our way out of the recession. In general, the government should spend and invest during a recession and cut back spending as the economy grows. But what is politically attractive and what is economically attractive aren't necessarily the same thing.
  18. Not really. If he didn't have a clot the first time, it's extremely unlikely he will have it second time.
  19. Tend to be younger people dying now. Most older people are double vacced.
  20. No. They do now, but not then. That's the problem.
  21. Yes, weeks ago. But they were aware of the problem months ago. And they announced the restrictions would happen in a week's time. Giving people plenty of time to travel. This was so avoidable. But money talks.
  22. No it doesn't. The Australian government can print as many dollars as it wants. The only constraint is inflation.
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