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Everything posted by dmjg

  1. Top of of scale is about $95k down here. She will need a headed letter from all schools she has taught at during those 13 years. It needs to have starting and ending dates, exactly how many days she was absent for each and duties during the time employed. Check the VIT website, it has the exact things required. She will be paid at a graduate wage until the paperwork (and letters) are checked, about 65k at the moment, I think. This can take upto three months, but you do get back paid. In November 2009 it took mine 4 weeks. Remember if she doesn't do a full year, she won't get paid a full Christmas holiday pay, but pro rata. An issue for budgeting more than anything else.
  2. Nah, that's just the new iphone. The forum software hates the camera being rotated. The laptop isn't attached to the Internet unless I'm working at home, so no real chance to pop some of the dslr pictures on.
  3. Kev, I went with a Nikon d3300 and am very happy with it. Especially with a 35mm prime lens.
  4. Melbourne city skyline. A 'down under' night without the kids.
  5. Why should it be tax free if you are going to be taking it out of the country and out of a scheme before you have reached the age of retirement? It should be taxed at the same rate as if it was part of your take home salary. And for Mungbean, it looks like it was.....
  6. I wasn't suggesting you let the dream go, I was suggesting you let the '2 years work completed before teaching qualification' go. In australia, recruitment often runs more by the 'who you know' rather than 'what you know'. Getting your name spoken can open doors that may not have been noticed. Good luck, please keep the thread informed of your progress, It may help someone else in the future.
  7. You seem very hung up on this point, It doesnt help for the 190, By all means if you can secure a 457, use it to try to negotiate a higer starting point on the pay scale, But a school may refuse to accept it as experience after a suitable teaching qualification was reached. You may have to just 'let it go'.
  8. if you find a regional school trying to recruit qualified maths teachers on any web site, why not ring them direct? you can then discuss your issue and, if they can prove they cant find a suitably qualified permanent resident for the job, may be willing, or able, to go down the temporary 457 route. Not something ive heard of, but it may work. After two years you would have your experience and be able to apply for the 190, Although you will have to research whether you can be in the country or not when/whilst you apply........... ETA - Sorry, just remembered, in two years you will be too old for the 190. Maybe just have to try to hope a 457 may last for four years
  9. She will need a transcript of results from both universities. The PGCE one will need to explicity state she has had a minimum of 45 days supervised teacher placements. Also a letter from each school she has worked at, on headed paper, with starting dates, finishing dates, role and actual days absence (sickness, leave). This will allow the teaching board in the state you are going to assess her pay scale. She will be paid as a graduate until this is put through the system. This is much easier to do whilst in the uk, rather than 11,000 miles away! It takes about five weeks in victoria. Thus if she teaches in victoria she will be paid $60k (pro rata) until the paperwork is all ticked off then upto her rightful position of $95k. With the back pay as well. Im not sure if this is required for private schools, you may just need to negotiate pay during interview. Thus (if i remember rightly): Apply to teaching board - VIT in victoria. I would then ring (cold call with resume) schools in local area saying you have immigrated and are looking for relief teaching or short term contracts. A toe in the door could become a foot...... Apply for jobs. Take time on the application. Address all Key Selection Criteria fully, it may take two or three pages, give examples of where you meet each. When offered job, Put in paperwork to employer (state gov) to ensure you are paid to correct step on ladder, see above. Join union. Start work. One extra point,apart from the first line, this is for victoria, no idea if, or how, other states are different.
  10. A BSc in maths isnt an initial teacher qualification. its an initial degree. It proves you know your maths, it doesnt prove you can teach. A teaching qualification proves you can teach. Australian teaching requires 4 years of university with 45 days supervised teaching practise before you are qualified to teach. From there, queensland is requiring two years experience. Whether it is different to the US requirements or not, is moot. You dont fulfill all the requirements. To go this route, you only seem to need to teach for two years after being awarded the masters in teaching. Then you can apply. Just make sure you have proof from the uni you did the teaching diploma (diploma or masters???) of the 45 days supervised practise, otherwise you will hit the same brick wall.
  11. Hartington, Derbyshire. Duckpond, Cheese Factory, Pub. There is a fantastic walk south down the river through to Long Dale, then back to town Via a few lanes. Then lunch at the Devonshire Arms. Or if you prefer to ride than walk, drive through town to Hulme aEnd and ride the Manifold Way south. Dont forget to stop and climb straight up to Thors Cave and have a look. Then, back to the pub for lunch. Its the only part of the UK i really miss.
  12. Barossa Valley, Right now. I didnt even need to get out of my camp chair!
  13. Semaphore Beach, Adelaide. Taken with the ipad camera. The ones on the proper camera, with the shutter speed adjusted to 1/50th sec and a bit of zoom, are better.
  14. It was a cheap shot, But i don't like to let them pass...........
  15. I hate the fact that most places require you to pay to park in the uk, But i didnt realise you now had to pay to take a walk :elvis:
  16. OH and son have less eczema and asthma than they did in the uk. Although cold mornings still set the eczema off in the OHs hands a bit, especially if she does a few days work in a row at the doctors surgery.
  17. Does it cme with the hanger, and as you havent mentioned, im guessing free postage
  18. Thanks Skani, It tells us to buy in Frankston North. Ive taught enough kids from that area, Think Sommie is good enough for now.......
  19. It gives more manoeuvrability in the timetable for the current and subsequent years, with the natural ebb and flow of student numbers, plus subject choices made at senior levels.
  20. AS far as i know, leafy Langwarrin is the part north of cranbourne road between mcclelland drive and potts road. It used to be the site of an old tip somewhere in there! A while ago there were concerns of gasses being emitted that people were up in arms about, i havent heard anything about that for years now though........
  21. Petals has covered most things. For us, internet is all mobile. We have the ipad with 8GB on Telstra and the two phones with unlimited calls, text, 300min to uk and 4GB to share per month each on Vodafone. Our 7yo goes to Somerville Primary and loves it. The 4 yo will start there next year. I am a teacher myself in a secondary closer to Melbourne and amongst teachers and patents outside the village, Somerville Secondary has had a bad name. But. Its a small secondary school, (Mornington Sec Coll runs buses to themselves poaching Sommie Kids, they are also a massive school 1800) I am hooked into every gov teaching job on the peninsula and in 6 years there has never been a Maths or Science job advertised. It says the staff are settled. Next door has their twins there, they started this year and are loving it. It was affiliated with Mt Erin in Frankston for years which did it no favours, but is not any more. It has one of the best VCAL programs around for non uni inclined kids. Its our biggest deliemma for the future, and we have no idea what to do when the time comes for our little boy to leave his small pond??? However, the teachers will be no better or no worse than any other school in the country, and if they are prepared to work, and their parents prepared to support them and the school, i believe any kid can achieve wherever their schooling. We live in a 3 bed 70's house in a 1/5 acre block. Its not huge but its easy to keep on top of, we have a good sized back yard, plenty of room for my veggie plots, a big deck and a granny flat. People over the years have made their mark on the place, some of it not to our liking, but paint solves a myriad of cosmetic issues. For us this included a psychedelic purple bedroom, another navy blue and a third with a textured terracotta wall. Kitchens and bathrooms may need to be updated or replaced and west facing windows too, but if you get the place for the right price, they are generally well built, although not well insulated. For our first 5 years i was Bunnings best customer, now the place is fairly much as we want it.
  22. Some people have had luck changing the settings in the TVs to Germany. You can buy plug tops from the hardware stores for a few dollars each and chop off the uk ones. Bring over your powerboards, then you will only need 1 adapter, or new plug. But its illegal to do it yourself in victoria............
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