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Everything posted by Marisawright

  1. There are probably several. In an office building that has multiple tenants, it's unlikely you'll need an access card to use the lifts. After all, they all have customers who need to visit them! Just look for a tenant on a high floor, and you should be able to get in the lift and go to that floor. Explain your situation to the receptionist and most will be happy to let you sit in reception for a while. I can recall sitting in a reception area on the top floor of the MLC building once, waiting for an interview. No idea who the company was or whether they're still there, though.
  2. This is probably a silly question, but is there any point in considering taking an Australian car over to the UK (and do you arrange that?). Our Lancer is 5 years old but very low km and if we were staying in Australia, we'd probably keep it for another 5 years.
  3. We looked into this exhaustively and I agree, it's confusing. If you're over 60 and take money from your Australian super fund, it gets special treatment, and is not taxable in Australia - as you know. If you have moved to the UK, any money you draw from your super is classed as income. It gets no special treatment. To quote: "The general rule is that where double taxation agreement is available, the country of the pensioner's residence has taxing right in relation to pensions sourced from another country. For example, a UK resident receives an allocated pension from an Australian fund. No tax is payable by the Australia fund, tax on the pension is payable instead by the pensioner in the UK." http://www.ngssuper.com.au/assets/Downloads/Retiring-Overseas.pdf
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