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Everything posted by Wesso1715

  1. No, not a word and then all of a sudden...Boom its done - not sure what to do now...sorry yes I do...Party.....
  2. Thanks all...still a bit shocked but what a great bunch of guys we have on this forum - all the best to each and every one of you
  3. Afternoon all....Wow Just had the good news...Visa Granted 5 / 5/ 2016 - almost fell off my chair and dropped my coffee Just over 6 months of waiting (26th Oct 2015) Customer Services Manager = Lodged Sydney - Processed Vic Bonkers and pretty happy for sure - Happy days to you all and patience is rewarded
  4. Morning all, the wait continues...Really pleased for all the guys over the last week who got the good news. Still no CO assigned apparently and approaching 190 days I think.... which is a pain. My MA is chasing but still have no idea how cases are assigned. Best wishes all and here is to a good week...
  5. Hi all Just had a chat with my MA as the 6 month point has passed...still no CO assigned apparently. Not a great deal that anybody can do to be honest apart from hang on in there... Lots of things sitting there awaiting the decision, holiday, work travel, etc etc. Just seems to be the luck of the draw and go about your business until the phone rings
  6. Starting to log on a lot more now and its good to see approvals coming through slowly...just looking forward to that day god willing that the approval arrives and I can start planning for the long term. Its pretty painful this waiting game...I am an October nomination and Visa. Best wishes to all out there in the same boat
  7. Hi all, just a quick hello...been waiting since October 15 and not a lot to show for it...Just getting a bit frustrated with the process and finding it difficult to focus and hoping for some positive news soon...I bet I am not the only one, can see quite a few from way back still not across the line. Fingers crossed for all you guys Hopefully with Easter past lets hope that the CO's get back in the groove and things start hotting up.
  8. well I have a TRN number in an email and just created the immi account...god knows what next, I am a bit dull with this IT stuff any clues?
  9. Thanks Mate, yes fingers crossed but looking at the loooooooonngg thread it will be a few months for me at least! I have been told to arrange medicals so another step forward
  10. morning all, bit new to all this but my MA lodged my paperwork this week (186)...I have no idea where to check on status...Can you send me the link? All the best
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