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Posts posted by stevie129

  1. On 12/07/2020 at 13:06, Georgiegie said:

    Hey All, 

    I have a similar timeline (see my signature), but still haven't heard back since my citizenship ceremony on Jan 21st. 

    The status of my application is still "Received", and I am starting to wonder why the processing of my application is taking so long, since I am a single applicant with a very transparent life history?! 

    I acknowledge how lucky I was to have been able to push my Interview and test from April 4th forward to January 21st and not get held off by the Covid interruption but I would still like to see some progress with my application. 

    I hope everyone in this topic gets the pleasant news they are expecting very soon!


    I’m sure yours will be coming soon!

    We had our (online) ceremony already on the 6th of July! 

    Our timelines are very similar - take a look. 

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  2. Hi guys

     We are now finally Australian citizens!! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
     Had our ceremony online on the 6th July which only lasted 5 minutes. Received our certificates within a week. 
    So happy to be at the end of the whole migrant process and now able to call myself officially Australian! Very proud!

     All the best to everyone still waiting. 






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  3. 11 minutes ago, Indianinoz said:

    Just a crazy question - can citizenship be delayed or denied for reasons of claiming any kind of allowances like Newstart allowance/Paid parental leave etc. based on the reason that you're a burden to the Government funds? Say if someone is unemployed and claming new start allowance etc.?

    Also, can citizenship be delayed or denied for reasons such a protesting against the government for promotion of vaccines in a polite manner?

    Absolutely not. As long as you meet the legal criteria for citizenship and are a person of good character (police checks) then there is no reason for anything else to delay citizenship. 

    People lose jobs life happens and the rest of the stuff you mentioned about above will have zero impact on the application.

    My company recently folded resulting in everyone losing their jobs. So I will have to think about doing an application for Newstart 🙄🙄

    • Thanks 1
  4. No character requirements are very much part of the process - these are if not one of the most important requirements.

    They do the AFP clearance themselves. If they require police clearance from another country (like I did) they will request and you will have to do that paperwork and organise it yourself.

    Biometrics they do internally if required.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Indianinoz said:

    During the citizenship process, what are the stages? I believe it is:
    a) Application with form and documents
    b) Waiting for Test Invite
    c) Test and interview
    d) Approval
    e) Ceremony

    However, I have now heard that there are other processes like Health assessment, Character assessment, Biometrics assessment etc. Do these happen in the background like the AFP police check or do I need to do something? Is there a way to find out if these have been completed through our immi account?

    The above process you have mentioned is correct.

    There are no health assessments for citizenship process, as you are a permanent resident.

    They do the AFP check in the background.

    Do the above process and wait. If they require any further info of you then they will request it.

    Process is very straightforward.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 21/01/2020 at 14:17, Georgiegie said:

    Hey mate, just wondering if you got your approval yet? 

    I had my interview and test earlier this morning, and the officer who was interviewing me said that because I only applied in December and I’m very fresh in the system, it might take another few months until all background checks are complete.


    Hey mate,

    Sorry for late reply. I am literally just back from an overseas business trip and haven’t been active on here whilst I was away.

    No haven’t received my approval yet, hopefully I should receive it soon. I’ll keep you posted.

    I think for my case the only thing that could delay is only an AFP police clearance, as they asked for my British police clearance 2-3 weeks after I lodged my application (and before doing test). I took it to the interview and asked if they required anymore documents from my side, they said no they had everything that they need. 

    So really I suspect I will hear soon. My wife does her test this Tuesday.

    Happy Australia Day to everyone 🇦🇺 🇦🇺 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, LAG said:

    Hi, I also can only speak for my own experience. I received an email with a test appointment and a copy of this email is available on the messages section of my application.  I think Ausa0000 is making a very good observation here regarding the location of the test. I went to the DOHA office in Melbourne CBD.


    Looks like there is no straight answer to this question... just like everything else related to visas and now citizenship applications.

    Good point. I did mine at the DOHA in Perth CBD

  8. 1 hour ago, Indianinoz said:

    Thanks LAG and Ausa0000 for your replies.

    Somehow, the 2 posts above from each of you is contradictory. One says there is no message when invited for test, just email. The other says he received a message for invitation for the test. I'm just curious. Please check and confirm. Or is it different for different applicants?

    My question is simple - Do you receive a message on immi account when invited for the test?

    Bear in mind Indianinoz that a system is only as good as the information that has been put in to it. Each case officer will have their own ways of doing things. What one C/O does may be different from the next one. It was the same for my PR visa process- members on the PR visa thread on this site were reporting different things for the same visa. For me that was the skilled independent 189 visa

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Indianinoz said:

    Firstly, congratulations on passing the test. Hope the approval doesn't take long either.

    When you were invited for the test, did you receive a message on your immi account? And which modes were you contacted from(like sms, email, letter, immi account message/status etc.)? 

    Thanks Indianinoz

    Yes I received an email notification in my immi account but I also received an email (for my test invite) It was this email that made me check my immi account.

    I received a couple of texts messages a few days before my test to remind me that it was close. Received another text yesterday (day before test) as a final reminder.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Indianinoz said:

    Thanks, I still think that after citizenship application, every foreign trip needs to be reported in advance to the Citizenship/Immigration department. This is not a requirement for visa but for citizenship. Others on this group might enlighten me if I'm wrong.

    If that’s the case, I’ll let immigration know as I fly out to Czech Republic for work end of next week for a week.

    I will let them know when I’m in for my test

    I have my test next Thursday 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. On 18/12/2019 at 08:15, Georgiegie said:
    On 17/12/2019 at 19:59, stevie129 said:


    Hey mate

    Congrats on your speedy processing!

    To reschedule the appointment, follow this link: https://appointments.homeaffairs.gov.au/login

    Client ID is an 11-digit number listed in all communications from the Department. 

     Good luck, and have a great Christmas!

    Cheers Mate! Out of interest, what state are you located in? Hope you have a great Christmas too! 😊

  12. 6 minutes ago, naviozz said:

    From the current trend it is normal to get test date in one month specially in Perth . Couple of more got their even citizenship application approved in 2-3 month or less then that in some cases. Congratulation to you for your appointment letter even you can reschedule your test if you want. Thanks 

    Thanks Naviozz! Excited as I’m happy my application is moving through the system and not sitting in limbo. How do you go about re-scheduling the appointment?

    Are you located in Perth too?

    Thanks 😊 


    Got my appointment letter today. 

    My timeline is -

    Applied: 16th November 2019

    Appointment letter received: 17th Dec 2019 (today)

    Test Date: 13th Feb 2020

    Place : Perth WA


    Im stoked that I only applied last month and already have my test date  for Feb 2020 so only 3 months wait to get to this stage.

    Is this normal the quick processing times for Perth compared to other states or is it just luck?

    I heard the whole process from start to finish was really stretched out and was expecting it to be months before I was sent for the test.




    • Like 1
    • Congratulations 1
  14. Hi guys

    I can not find my expired passport to show proof of first entry into Australia. 

    Is this proof really required to show them? Surely they would see when I first made entry in their system? 

    All I have is the original expired 457 visa grant notification. The expired passport would have only had the date of entry stamped on it.



  15. Hi Guys

    Starting the process of applying for Citizenship.. Can anyone please tell me at what stage I should apply for my UK police clearance certificate? (As I spent a bit of time in the UK)


    Should I apply for it now and upload it with my online application? Or do I need to wait for immigration to tell me to get it at a particular stage in the process?

    i assume that uploading the police clearance online is the correct way to provide this clearance?


    Thanks in advance

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