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Everything posted by Wan2go

  1. Me and mine did long distance for 11 years!! Circumstances, kids on both sides, jobs, health etc etc. We went the 300 route, and I am please to say it is our 7th wedding anniversary this year. If it's right, it's worth waiting for. All the best
  2. So.....in my crystal ball I see the excange rate going back to $2 to the £.....and a big lotto win for me!! Ha, I wish....the house money and redundancy cheque went in the bank the day we flew to Oz - about a week or so before the brexit vote! Thought it was all going too well..... Mind you, I did buy some land here when it was 1.47 to the £, so was just hoping things mighr have gone my way, just for a change......?
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