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Everything posted by Wasim

  1. my migration agent has sent her a email that it's valid and yes she asked for overseas police cert.
  2. The issue date that mention on the cert is sep 2015 I am sure she just did not check it properly.
  3. just police check that I already has attached but I am confuse that it's a valid police clearance and she has written that it's expired one.
  4. this is what i wanted to hear today I am so happy that your waiting is over now, whatever you have posted here before was pretty useful information, Congratulation chad enjoy.
  5. when they are going to open our files, it's been long time don't know what to say.
  6. wish you best of luck but we all can see there's no enough grants in this month. anyone knows why they are slow?
  7. Don't worry you are going to get it soon, let them ask whatever they want, they are wasting their time not yours I know it's hard but atm we have to provide them any documents they wants so take it easy.
  8. you sure? My agent told me not to cancel that's why I did not apply for medicare card.
  9. No it is illegal brother, we can not cancel till we get the permit residency this is what my migration agent told me when I ask same question.
  10. Ya you are right and there 99% cases got positive reason so, it's just matter of time and already many of us has waited for 3 to 4 years so I guess it's not end of the world, let's wait for one more month hopefully most of us will get it in january I recon.
  11. So you don't want to complain about the delays? No one wrong they have **** of loads so that's why it's taking long and we did not expect before that it will take this long, but we can not do anything except waiting even if we will complain they have a solid reason for example holidays. I only know one thing one day we all going to get PR, cause they have to be worried more than us as they slow, there's more files gonna be in the queue, let's hope for best.
  12. you are absolutely right but he is not wrong as back days it was easy to get migration agent license many of unreliable people has got license and doesn't know much about the immigration laws and regulations and has opened the offices. As I have seen & heard many of boys cases negative result and also visa refused just because of agents poor advised.
  13. [h=2]National Public Holidays[/h][TABLE=class: table-100, width: 523] [TR] [TH]Date[/TH] [TH]Holiday[/TH] [TH]States/Territories[/TH] [TH]Office/Contact Centre[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]25 December 2015[/TD] [TD]Christmas Day[/TD] [TD]All States[/TD] [TD]All offices in Australia closed[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]28 December 2015[/TD] [TD]Boxing Day[/TD] [TD]All States[/TD] [TD]All offices in Australia closed[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]29 December 2015[/TD] [TD]APS Holiday[/TD] [TD]All States[/TD] [TD]All offices in Australia closed​[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]​​​1 January 2016[/TD] [TD]New Year’s Day[/TD] [TD]All States[/TD] [TD]All offices in Australia closed[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  14. Take it easy bro It's matter of time, I have seen many here stress out but eventually, none of them had bad news from immigration side and got PR. they are taking time but at the end we all going to get Finger crossed):
  15. Not really my one going to expire next month, they have nothing to do with validity of passport as per my knowledge.
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