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Everything posted by AKG

  1. Immi has already consumed two months for July applications to reach only mid of July. As I saw from Auto e-mail status, early July applications started on 25 Nov. If they expedite, hope they will be able to finish mid to end July applications within one more month. So, three or more months may be expected to clear one month. This is estimated from June-July records if they are not the exceptions.
  2. I'm new in this forum as I've applied in December. The following statement may be useful to you, especially those who are waiting since July: "I can tell you that Immigration delays happenwith PR applications due to their quotas set by the government and if theyreach their quota for one month early in the piece they can’t processadditional applications until the next month and their quota has been reset assuch. Now understand why certain visas can be processed quicker thanothers – 457 visas do not have the same tight quotas on them like PRapplications do." I have not verified yet the statement but has the logic considering the progress of July 2015.
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