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Que Sera Sera

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Everything posted by Que Sera Sera

  1. There is a smoked cod, but It's presented on ice but is frozen and then thawed. It's not Australian though. Basa again frozen and thawed is absolutely a best seller mainly as its as cheap as chips. All of the fresh Australian fish are nice in my opinion. Rankin Cod, Barra and Snapper especia ly Sweetlips is gorgeous.
  2. We applied for our Citizenship and had the test at the end of July. In September we flew to England for two weeks, then had our ceremony at the end of October. Our visas had not expired though and we travelled on our British Passports.
  3. A horrible situation to find yourself in. I think some people just do not research and understand the ramifications of many aspects of migration. If one of you isn't keen that's the biggest red flag! No one can predict a marriage failure of course not but if you both want to be there to stay this isn't so much an issue. Of course also many will emigrate to be with a partner without a great deal of shared life experience, sometimes as little as 6 months, all a big worry.
  4. 5 years ago today we climbed onto that shiny white bird to start our amazing new life here. Never regretted it for one single moment, and genuinely miss nothing. My OH misses his Soccer team and the local pub but other than that he too is very happy. We came out with £10,000 and very little else. 5 years on we are doing alright for ourselves, giving ourself a great but deliberately fairly modest life. Yes would love a boat etc etc but I like not working full time much much more. We've met some lovely people and have some really good friends. OH is FIFO at the moment and we are saving like little squirrels to pay the mortgage off. So far so good.........:cool:
  5. <p><p>Hi Laney, yeah all good thanks, managed a 4 week sulk but gave in as the house is too quiet with my girls all gone haha. How's the renovating going?</p></p>

  6. If there are medical concerns you should consult with A MARA registered agent before submitting anything.
  7. Can you start planning your first visit out. Look up flights and Google where they are going to be living. It helps to feel part of the move.
  8. <p><p>Just wanted to say helloooooo! Hope you're well lovely x</p></p>

  9. I suspect it could be a littles less rare if contraception, and termination weren't a factor. Lots of women years ago had children " on the change"
  10. The village pub was like that where I came from in the UK. From opening at lunch time to school pick up time. The pub was about 5 houses down from the primary school. If we popped in for lunch on a Friday when OH had finished nights and I had finished work, the place was full of trodden in crisps empty coke cans and fruit shoot bottles. No work for any of them just one big social for 3 hours then stagger down to the school gate, or the very unlucky little ones might get driven home by their Mother.
  11. I take that as a sign of inteligence at that age. You can't just tell them what to do, you have to have a reason for the request :laugh:
  12. PHIL Mitchell springs to mind or failing that Harry Hill :wink:
  13. My eldest was beautiful but she had a proper squashed cone head. They put a hat on her before I was allowed to look at her. Soon went down though :laugh:
  14. I think it was meant tongue in cheek, like the saying goes " He had a face only a Mother could love"
  15. I think it's perfectly natural and normal and good on you for not being pressured into doing something you didn't want to do. I have a friend Lisa who was fantastic with my children, would play with them until the cows came home but she never ever wanted any of her own. She loved her independence and fortunately met a man who felt exactly the same. If my first hadn't been a happy accident I may not have had them who knows. My EX wasn't very keen. I'd never even held a baby until mine was put in my arms, Id always refused.
  16. I don't think any of us who aren't maternal ever know how we'll feel. Three kids later and I still wouldn't call myself maternal. I don't do babies and kids even now. Looking forward to my Grandmother cuddles though :wubclub:
  17. When I was pregnant with my 3rd at 33 all the girls in my Ante Natal group were the same age as me or older and all on their 1st. It's pretty normal now . My pregnancy was also far easier than my 1st at 23 ( I was as sick as a dog for 9 months ) didn't put on any weight though :laugh:
  18. I also don't agree that the emphasis is on the gifted and talented, sorry but the vast majority don't get into it. My son did but I didn't like the school so went private instead. It sounds like you are moving back to the UK and justifying your reasons. All fine and good but maybe don't try and scare everybody. The school I was going to send my son to in the GATE, was not for us, but I've two friends who have sent their Autistic children there and rave about it. Different children different requirements . Speech therapy seems to be quite common here too. Are you on a PR visa or a tempory one?
  19. My OH has Dyslexia , his wasn't picked up until he was at college in the UK. He had no help at all but has managed full and well, got his skills and has had no negative impact here or in the UK.
  20. My Auntie lost her son aged 11 to Leukemia. She decided to have another child to help her grief at age 42. She conceived naturally and happily with no side affects to my cousin so yes it does happen. Wouldn't fancy it myself though :laugh:
  21. Parley you've agreed with what she said. 25-35 much the same it's after 35 that's the problem. I think we all know some couple that have had children accidently even up to late forties early fifties thinking they are on the menopause .
  22. Good for you. I didn't have a choice really pay the mortgage or stay home with my children. Until we came here anyway. I stayed home for two years until our son started Highchool but then got ' a bit ' bored so now work ' a bit ' haha
  23. Ah that was my plan too, but end of marriage then new marriage to someone who wanted children, result another at 33, so it will be a while yet I hope.
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